Prayer Request...

Rita just called me from MD Anderson in Houston and the cancer has not spread!!!!!

They apparently were able to get it all!!

THis is a miracle of God.....Pete was diagnosed with Malignant Melanoma in a mole that had been checked Feb.2005 but he did not get the correct report...The doctor gave him the wrong report of the biopsy being normal!!!

Only after a year and a half after it had grown to be a seeping grotesque mess, did he finally go to Dr. Warthan in Nac(Awesome Doctor) for a new biopsy!!

When he got to MD Anderson, the doctor there, told him that it was a very aggressive, fast growing type and they were very concerned.


Thank you all so much for your prayers!!
Continue to pray for Pete and Rita and their kids. Pray that God will heal their marriage.

Double-w00t! Thank you all for your prayers. They have been answered. Behold the mighty power of our loving God.
He's been lying on the couch, mostly, taking it easy. He and Mom have gone for some quick walks down the street a litle ways, but other than that, he's mainly been watching movies. :)

Although, and we were all kinda shocked at this, he did come to church with us on Sunday. It was more out of appreciation for all the people who made us dinners than anything, but hey, we'll take what we can get...
Although, and we were all kinda shocked at this, he did come to church with us on Sunday. It was more out of appreciation for all the people who made us dinners than anything, but hey, we'll take what we can get...
It's a great start. Don't most of us come to know God's love because we see that love lived out by His people?