Complete GW.dat file download

Different compression algorithms basically all work the same. Some encode the data better than others making the finial result a little smaller but overall there wont be much of a difference between the major file compression utilities. Most of the time it really just depends on the type of file you are compressing and how the data bits in that file are composed.

If you have the option put it on a double layer dvd and just dont compress it at all.
The only thing wrong with putting it on a DVD (unless it's re-writable) is if ANet updates, the .dat on the DVD doesn't change, then you're down one DVD.
The only thing wrong with putting it on a DVD (unless it's re-writable) is if ANet updates, the .dat on the DVD doesn't change, then you're down one DVD.

updating the data is better then downloading all the data again.

Besides you can make a new one every major release.
updating the data is better then downloading all the data again.

Besides you can make a new one every major release.

For once I agree with vibrokatana, lol :). I like to make a backup every month and just backup my dat file along with it but it on some dvds and im done. There is really no reason to download the whole dat file all the time doing it in small peices is why they have their streaming technology in the first place. To make your life easier. In any event how many times have you ever needed to move your data from one computer to another. I imagine its pretty rare for all of us.
Different compression algorithms basically all work the same. Some encode the data better than others making the finial result a little smaller but overall there wont be much of a difference between the major file compression utilities. Most of the time it really just depends on the type of file you are compressing and how the data bits in that file are composed.

If you have the option put it on a double layer dvd and just dont compress it at all.
some of the stronger types actually match up data using stronger patterns, these take longer to compress and decompress but you end up with a even smaller file size

movies are generally bad examples because they are already compressed but anyway:
sakkaku@Zeth ~/DL $ du ./gs104*
81844   ./gs104.avi
80576   ./
80616   ./gs104.tar.gz
this is one of my dvd rips, its already compressed but it still manages to lower down the size a small amount, adding more files to it will reduce the overall size more also.

most likely the gw archive is also compressed, so you will probably only notice a few MB in difference.
There is really no reason to download the whole dat file all the time doing it in small peices is why they have their streaming technology in the first place. To make your life easier. In any event how many times have you ever needed to move your data from one computer to another. I imagine its pretty rare for all of us.

you havent tried playing strainght from the minimal client, sometimes you dont have the cds available and it is MUCH MUCH better to let the client stay up all night downloading then to suffer 10-20 minute load times on maps.
LOL Dredd or someone named it, not me. It's the former spare bedroom at the back of the house where the extra computer lives. Though Paul keeps it dark enough to be a dungeon...

eh i dont know if i trust you MM, for all we know Paul is a figment of your imagination (:p ). hm.. TO THE GOVERNMENT!!!
we should stage a raid and randomly show up at MM's workplace. I would love to see her surprise at a seemingly random visit.

Now she is probably going to be looking over her shoulder for the next few months and develop a neck cramp :(
we should stage a raid and randomly show up at MM's workplace. I would love to see her surprise at a seemingly random visit.

Now she is probably going to be looking over her shoulder for the next few months and develop a neck cramp :(

YES! but we need to all be trained in government espionage, and we need assassin/ninja skills, and we need to wear black! Then and only then will i eat chicken in public. oh wait, i mean then we can seemingly visit
YES! but we need to all be trained in government espionage, and we need assassin/ninja skills, and we need to wear black! Then and only then will i eat chicken in public. oh wait, i mean then we can seemingly visit

YES! but we need to all be trained in government espionage, and we need assassin/ninja skills, and we need to wear black! Then and only then will i eat chicken in public. oh wait, i mean then we can seemingly visit

LoL reminds me of the government ninjaz and assassainz that C$ dreamed up that sabotauged something that i cant remember.:rolleyes:
we should stage a raid and randomly show up at MM's workplace. I would love to see her surprise at a seemingly random visit.

Now she is probably going to be looking over her shoulder for the next few months and develop a neck cramp :(
Actually, I face the entrance. No neck cramp for me! :p