Search results

  1. Thrawn

    Board walk weekend

    I got Charmed, didn't get Hapless though. I could have, but didn't feel like it.
  2. Thrawn

    For Dredd

    A Paintball Tank
  3. Thrawn


    Will pray.
  4. Thrawn

    Just Married....

  5. Thrawn

    Guild Wars Screenshots!

    To find them: C:/Program Files/Guild Wars/Screens To post:
  6. Thrawn

    Fun with Webcams!

    /bow :D Hehe, one of my binds in Counter-Strike is "You just got Thrawned! ^_^"
  7. Thrawn

    Fun with Webcams!

    No, just you... :p
  8. Thrawn

    Guild Wars vs. WoW

    One of my friend's friends bought WoW when it first came out, but he's never played it, for fear of getting addicted...
  9. Thrawn

    PvP build we ran last night

    Yeah, that was probably the closest we've come to it. I think that build could win the Hall, the trouble is getting there though...
  10. Thrawn

    Raisu Palace

  11. Thrawn

    Tuesday night Oct 17 PvP

    If you need a WoH monk, I can provide. I'm not too big on monking in PvP (although I do have all the right equipment now), but I'll do it if nobody else fills that spot. If you were taking a Warrior or Ranger, though, I'd be there in a heartbeat... :)
  12. Thrawn

    Hey guys

    Yeah, cause everyone here knows that vibro is the Master of All Things Linux. :p
  13. Thrawn

    Congrats humbleguy!

    Way to go! :D
  14. Thrawn

    Triple Green Weekend Results

    Ohh, forgot about the Stonereaper. Got one of those too.
  15. Thrawn

    All you nerds....

    Fixed. :)
  16. Thrawn

    Triple Green Weekend Results

    I got 1 Ghial's, 1 Scar Eater, 2 Woe Spreaders, and 2 Totem Axes I think that was it, but I'd have to check to make sure.
  17. Thrawn

    PvP - Friday, 13Oct06

    +1 Monk with Restore Condition. Owned.
  18. Thrawn

    Guild Wars Screenshots!

    Yeah, he's so thoughtful. It's 180 for rank 3. 35 more for me...must do HoH...
  19. Thrawn

    Guild Wars Screenshots!

    Lucy Dredd is Dredd. MM's still ub3r and un-nerfed. :) That was a pretty productive evening. Got 6 fame, and even made it to the Hall. Didn't win, though, but it was still fun.