Raisu Palace


Tribe of Judah Membership Administrator
I know I ask for help a lot, and end up not needing it, but its better to be safe then sorry. This time I need help on the Raisu Palace mission. All the groups I get in get owned by the second group of monsters. I really don't understand why ANet sees the need to make these missions so darned hard, but whatever. As usual, I am proposing that we meet tonight at 10 PM EST. Unless someone else has a better time to meet.
The PvP group is planning to play at 10pm tonight. I'd be happy to do this mission tomorrow, though. My Necro has gotten up to this mission, but I haven't tried it with him yet.

It is a difficult mission. The celestial skill helps as does the right choice of 2 helpers for the mission. I believe that Danika is one of the better choices because she is a healer and she leaves the group a little later in the mission. The later they leave, the more help they are up to that point. When I did it with my assassin, I think I also took Talon with me as his skip area was later in the mission and offered the best skip.
When i did this with my first character I couldnt find a group during the day I only got into a good group at night time when there was more people online.
When i did this with my first character I couldn't find a group during the day I only got into a good group at night time when there was more people online.

You were right...got a good group at about 12:07 AM. Finished the mission and got masters! w00t!
nice congrats now go kill that one guy (i know his name but its slipping my mind)
Congrats man! Yeah, I find that the best timeifat night for mission groups. Thats the highest playervolumme it seems...
i find that most people in guild are on about now and until.. about 8:30 PST