Triple Green Weekend Results


New Member
I just figured I would start a post so people could post how successful, or my case unlucky results were. I figure over the weekend I probably played about 8 hours and I only had 1 green drop, Orosen's Staff, however since I played with a guy enough he sold me Ghials for 4k. I killed Ghial 13 times without a drop, farmed the Wing Blade guy about 5 times without a drop, and a couple random other guys without a drop. How did you guys do???
I got one Wing's Axe...I played all weekend for a total of about 30+ hours and got one green. 3xs my butt, they should just do gold and purple weekends.
I got 1 Ghial's, 1 Scar Eater, 2 Woe Spreaders, and 2 Totem Axes
I think that was it, but I'd have to check to make sure.
I got:
2 Mossbeard's Wands
2 Spirit Garden's Repose
4 The Scar Eaters

I kept one of each and sold the rest and bought a Merki's Gaze with some of my earnings. Not too bad of a haul. Although I was hoping for The Ugly Stick but w/e. I also wish I had gone on some Ghial runs, as I'm still waiting on that one, maybe I'll just buy one.
I did pretty well on Friday and early on Saturday, but didn't get anything after 10pm or so on Saturday. Sunday was pretty poor too. I got 1 early and 1 right before I logged off.

My best results were my solo runs on Sskai and Geoffer, mostly on Friday and Saturday morning. I got tired of doing that though, but unfortunately didn't have solo builds for other runs. I think the henchies got a lot of them. The others I managed to get were:

1 - The Stonereaper
1 - The Darkwish
1 - Milefaun's Staff
1 - Lian's Lantern
4 - Sskai's Sword
4 - Geoffer's Bulwark
I agree that it should be gold and purple weekends instead.

3 geoffers bullwurk
1 orosens staff
1 shreaders talons.
I didn't waste my GW time farming lol. Which is why I am poor lol. ok I am not poor but I dont spend my hard earned gold for anything. Sounds like a few of you did very well. CONGRATS! Sorry for no good drops Rob :(.
Did anyone get a Kanaxai's Axe? know...if you wanted could give it too me...and I could pay you back at a later date...
I pulled in:
3 Ghails staff's,
1 Orosen staff
1 reefclaw refuge,
1 geoffer's,
1 Lian's Lantern,
1 Monk offhand (cant remember off the top of my head).
For the first time I got bored of farming and decided to do other stuff instead. :o
I didn't kill Ghail or Orosen or Wing or Reefclaw or Geoffer a single time during the triple drop weekend. It will surprise you to know that I have NEVER gotten a Ghail drop nor do I use his staff when I MM.

I did kill Sskai two or three times until I got his sword for my Hero.

I got 2 Scar Eaters, 1 Spriritgarden's Repose, 1 Shrouded Oni Daggers, and one nondescript green offhand that I sold to the merchant. The best item I got was Kunvie's Air Staff.

I went for the high end items. I killed Sunreach Warmaker about four times without getting his shield. I killed Merki and Razajan several times without getting their drops. I killed the Whispering Ritual Lord 9 times with henchies without a single drop. I went with a 4 man PUG and killed him 4 times (2 drops but not for me).

Back home to Sorrow's Furnace for me today.
No farming at all for me. Pretty much all my game time was devoted to advancing Drian (working towards 55 for her) or PvP with strange people.
PvP with strange people.
WHAT!?!? i think we should say that about you MM. :p
i farmed, Ghail... 4 times :) but i got nothing, i accidentally killed orson and his thing drop but not for me.
but the good new that i do have, is when I PvP with strange... person, i got my fame up to 15! WOOT! but we never made it passed the second or third level :(
Wow, it seems like a few of you did pretty well. Granted I only had the one drop but I am counting it a success for a couple of reasons. Like i said before, a guy sold me a ghials staff for 4k because he was getting them dropped to him like crazy and we played long enough together. I have a lvl 6 mm that i made or i will give it to an adventure hero when NF comes out. Number 2, I had just bought factions on thursday so the fact that i was even able to make it to the green farming areas in time made me happy. And last but not least I bought a Celestial bow for 11k. Not a fantastic deal because it was req 10 and the dmg mod is only 14 but i like it. Therefore, its a success. Thanks for the sympathy though dredd.:)

On a completely side note, i know a few of you know that i am in the army right now (dredd, derk, a couple more). Today I found out that I am getting promoted to Sergeant on Nov 1st. :) I am really happy and I know that there is no way that i could have done it without God holding my hand through the last few years and helping me along the way. Praise God for all of the blessings in my life.:)
No farming at all for me. Pretty much all my game time was devoted to advancing Drian (working towards 55 for her) or PvP with strange people.
poor paul does most of the farming and helps organize pvp. Do we need to have the discussion about partying with strange people?
poor paul does most of the farming and helps organize pvp. Do we need to have the discussion about partying with strange people?
I said STRANGE PEOPLE, not STRANGERS. If you recall, I've said before that I don't like to form parties with strangers unless other guildees are along.