Congrats humbleguy!


New Member
I was afraid some of y'all wouldn't see this.
On a completely side note, i know a few of you know that i am in the army right now (dredd, derk, a couple more). Today I found out that I am getting promoted to Sergeant on Nov 1st. :) I am really happy and I know that there is no way that i could have done it without God holding my hand through the last few years and helping me along the way. Praise God for all of the blessings in my life.:)

Congrats, humbleguy! I know that's the result of a lot of hard work...for you AND your wife, I bet! ;) God is good.

And thanks for your military service.
Cool, that's great news! I believe that my cousin was a Corporal when he got out of the military. He left because they were withholding his paychecks, or not paying him for days that they should have.
Thanks mirawyn. I really think my wife is happier about it than I am, she helped me study for my promotion board and supported me when I had to go for training in Bavaria for 5 weeks and helped me pray countless times. I wanted to just give up quite a few times but she didnt let me. In the triangle of God - My wife - and Myself, I definetely was the smallest part in making this happen.
*resists making a rude military joke*

Congrats, make sure to thank your slave driver, er, um, oops, wife, and of course our forever powerful God.
CONGRATS DUDE! thats so cool, i dont know you but im really proud. THANK YOU SOO MUCH for your service! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

(and everyone else in service too!)