Search results

  1. Taran

    First Character - What Kind of Build Are You Planning on Using?

    So we're coming down the launch of Guild Wars 2. We've seen some changes to the professions from each beta and even the last stress test. And that means we're fast approaching 'decision time.' One of the great joys about Guild Wars 2 is the varied number of weapons (and their respective...
  2. Taran

    Unconfirmed New Pet Ability

    I agree. I even sent in my suggestion for pets to die where they were killed instead of running back, but ArenaNet obviously did not heed my suggestion. :(
  3. Taran

    Unconfirmed New Pet Ability

    I guess there were too many "bad ranger" kids who didn't take care of their pets that caused Anet to add that ability. Its unconfirmed because I was always taking care of my pet, so I don't know for certain if they really added that ability. That's why I'm hoping someone could confirm that.
  4. Taran

    List of GW2 Websites/Information

    In addition to those listed above: ArenaNet GWOnline ALTTABME GuildMag Guild Wars 2 Release Net Crossing Tyria...
  5. Taran

    Unconfirmed New Pet Ability

    From some of the discussions I have encountered, it was reported, but unconfirmed that pets will regenerate health outside of combat (which has been happening for several beta tests now) and fully res within 20 seconds. My pets were much healthier during this test, so I didn't get a chance...
  6. Taran

    Rangers: New Trait & Skill Changes

    Put simply, Rangers got serious buffs for combat and pet management. - Changed Skirmishing trait: Quick Draw - Master rank. Lowers Shortbow and Longbow cooldowns by 20% (old version: just shortbow). - New Wilderness Survival trait: Shared Anguish - Adept rank. Incoming disables are transferred...
  7. Taran

    New Pet Statistics

    (incomplete list, but should help you see the new changes) • Birds stats: 1424 pwr, 2111 prec, 1424 tough, 2111 vit = 7070 • Moa stats: 1424 pwr, 1424 prec, 1424 tough, 2798 vit = 7070 • Wolves stats: 1768 pwr, 1424 prec, 2111 tough, 1768 vit = 7071 • Feline stats: 1424 pwr, 2111 prec, 1424...
  8. Taran

    The Real Reason Charr are Accepted in Kryta

    As most of you know, Charr are now being considered "allies" on equal terms among the five races. And I think I found out why: Toxoplasmosis - its infecting people with an unnatural attraction to these feline brutes. If you have feelings of...
  9. Taran

    Ranges by Weapon for Professions

    Ever wonder which profession has what kind of range? Well, since I've been wanting to start with a ranged profession, I've been studying all kinds of builds and distance damage numbers. Then I came across an article that literally charts all the weapons that each profession uses. Its a...
  10. Taran

    Buying Emotes

    I wondered who would be the first one to capitalize on my question. Nice! lol - I'll bet we can get some kind of achievement for jumping, too.
  11. Taran

    Favorite Race

    Oh great... now we have Sylvari who forget they aren't leaves anymore. They no longer 'glide on the wind' so much as 'plummet'.
  12. Taran

    Buying Emotes

    I would definitely buy that one. And I'd love to test it on a few 'choice' critters. Does anyone know the air speed velocity of an unladened Charr? (lets find out)
  13. Taran

    BWE3 Dedicated PvP Match

    For those of you who were interested in some PvP, here is a video of a match between two hardcore dedicated PvP teams. Team Paradigm vs. Super Squad Both of these guilds "live" for eSport PvP matches. They study, analyze, and practice at PvP to be the best they can be. And in this match...
  14. Taran

    Buying Emotes

    A good /facepalm emote would be handy, especially if we're running with Charr in our group. Maybe a good 'slap-to-the-back-of-the-head' emote (of a nearby Charr player) would be nice, too.
  15. Taran


    Knowing how popular the game has become already, they may NOT pick a more sane time. They may intentionally keep it at 3am. It will mean less people starting off, less "flooding" of the starter areas, and those getting up that early will most likely be your hardcore fans that can't wait to get...
  16. Taran

    The story of Matthew Huffman

    Many years ago, Michael York did an audio reading for C.S. Lewis' Mere Christianity that was quite good. At the time, it was an audio cassette. I would think its available on disc or mp3 by now.
  17. Taran

    The Eight Dungeons of GW2

    There will be eight dungeons available for play when GW2 launches. Here's a map and description of where they will be located: 1 -Ascalonian Catacombs / Level 30 Story Mode, Level 35 Explorable Mode / Ghastly weapon set / Enemy = Ascalonian Ghosts 2 – Caudecus’s Manor / Level 40 Story...
  18. Taran


    ROFL!!!! That pic was just too precious! I really had a good laugh with that one!
  19. Taran


    @ Raven ROFL - love the 'Charr kitten' comment :D
  20. Taran

    PvP Points of Interest

    Taugrim = Maven guild, server unknown Team Legacy = Crystal Desert server Team Paradigm = server unknown LaZy Nation = Yak's Bend server I was hoping to identify where these guilds were, but I was only half successful. Hopefully, someone else can find out more.