Buying Emotes

lol - I've seen that before. Never thought of applying it to my Norn guardian. That would be something to see.
How about a female Asura doing a three snaps emote? The command would be "/attitude". Afro hairstyle ftw.

It'd also be awesome to get some sort of flashy weapon-specific move. You know, the kind that impressive fighters use in the movies to intimidate their opponents before closing to fight. Duel swords wielders could have the typical figure eight sword spinning display. Hammer wielders could have that "baseball batter warming up" swing back and forth. Bow wielders could do the dramatic placement of an arrow and draw, holding it while they sight down the shaft.

That kind of thing.

A slow-mo walk, circular dolly would be awesome. Something like the way vistas work. You hit the command, and your character continues to walk in the direction they were going in slow motion, and your camera does a 360 pan around them. Any loose parts of clothing, like long coats and cloaks flap in slow motion with your movement.

I couldn't find a /flex like command last BWE, but I'd hope it would be a standard we'll see in game. It'd be fun to see how they make an appropriate flex for each race/gender.

I sure hope they haven't been holding back /dance because it's going to be in the CS.
I'm sure they'll have /dance for free but they may sell some specialty emotes in the cash shop.

As vain as it sounds I would def. drop a few bucks on some interesting dances or taunts. :
A good /facepalm emote would be handy, especially if we're running with Charr in our group.

Maybe a good 'slap-to-the-back-of-the-head' emote (of a nearby Charr player) would be nice, too.
A good /facepalm emote would be handy, especially if we're running with Charr in our group.

Maybe a good 'slap-to-the-back-of-the-head' emote (of a nearby Charr player) would be nice, too.

Why do I feel as though I may be the charr that could be the tail end of these emotes? I would think maybe we could have a /mauling or possibly '/push over the cliff while no one is looking' or a soild classic '/tree branch armour wedgie.....just doing a little brain storming myself
or possibly '/push over the cliff while no one is looking'

I would definitely buy that one. And I'd love to test it on a few 'choice' critters.

Does anyone know the air speed velocity of an unladened Charr? (lets find out)
I would definitely buy that one. And I'd love to test it on a few 'choice' critters.

Does anyone know the air speed velocity of an unladened Charr? (lets find out)

Pre or post searing?
Pre or post searing?

I wondered who would be the first one to capitalize on my question. Nice!

When we get back in you meet in LA and we will test that theory on the diving board...

lol - I'll bet we can get some kind of achievement for jumping, too.