Unconfirmed New Pet Ability


New Member
From some of the discussions I have encountered, it was reported, but unconfirmed that pets will regenerate health outside of combat (which has been happening for several beta tests now) and fully res within 20 seconds.

My pets were much healthier during this test, so I didn't get a chance to see if after a pet died, that it would recover on its own after combat. Since I was testing, I didn't spend much time around other characters, but I did not see any Rangers running around with "dead pets."

Can anyone confirm this feature from this last test?
If this is the way it works that will be great. Seems kind of odd that it would just stay dead once out of combat for a bit.
I must be the only one that prefers having to rez your pet. It makes you more aware of how much damage your little tank is taking. If it is getting critical and I have to rez it I am more likely to kite with my pet for a chance to heal.
Auto heal is wonderful, but to add an ability to auto rez after a rest from combat would be a bit much. I want that extra responsibility to rez it after death so I will be more aware of the amount of damage taken. It is real easy for me to let a pet tank itself to death, bad habit from GW, but that is not always the most efficient use of a pet. Some auto heal is nice, but it leaves you in a bit of a vacuum, where you can assume the pet can somehow take care of itself. If I know I need to apply some heal effects, and also rez it if everything goes down the tubes, I have a tendency to pay more attention to my little tank.
I guess there were too many "bad ranger" kids who didn't take care of their pets that caused Anet to add that ability.

Its unconfirmed because I was always taking care of my pet, so I don't know for certain if they really added that ability. That's why I'm hoping someone could confirm that.
I would rather have the pets actually die when they lose their health rather than come back to you and ask you to revive them. They could die and you would have to either switch pets, go and rez them, or they can respawn after a set time. I never understood why pets don't actually die.
I agree with Stc. If your pet is going to die, it should be laying on the ground dead, not following you around in a "dead" state. This behaviour would make Rangers take even more care of their pets or risk them dying in a bad spot and not being able to rez or "re-cast" them for a while.

Rethinking the idea, I do now agree that if your pet dies it shouldn't auto-heal but I still think it would be nice to auto-heal (just like the player does, but slower) if it's just hurt but not dead.
I agree. I even sent in my suggestion for pets to die where they were killed instead of running back, but ArenaNet obviously did not heed my suggestion. :(