Search results

  1. Taran

    Stealth Buff in Cursed Shore?

    Last night I signed on to do my usual dailies. I usually keep my Engineer stationed there for farming. His flamethrower is a good, constant AoE for tagging multiple targets. Anyway, last night I signed on to him to do some gathering. He's usually stationed at Penitent Camp. When I signed...
  2. Taran

    ESO - Elder Scrolls Online

    For those interested in potential builds for how characters would be designed in Elder Scrolls Online, there are some descriptions that have been posted on a fan site. While alot can change between now and Spring 2014 release, these "potential" lists do help fans gain some understanding of what...
  3. Taran

    Molinism vs. Calvinism: What's the Difference?

    A few days ago, I was whispered a question about the difference between Molinism and Calvinism. Since I was in the middle of Arah path 1 explorable and unable to really reply in chat, I shall do so here. Hopefully this format will be easier being able to see all the text instead of bits and...
  4. Taran

    Ranger PvE support build?

    Right now, its difficult to pinpoint a good Ranger build. The Ranger is in flux - changing - with heavy nerfs, strong buffs, then new nerfs, then new ways skills work, then nerfs, and some buffs . . . its a mess right now. Hopefully, ArenaNet will settle down soon, but honestly, it looks like...
  5. Taran

    Calvinism & Arminianism

    There have been God-honoring people on both sides of the soteriological argument. And it has been a discussion that has lasted for over 1,500 years. While it may be healthy to try to understand God's ways, it is not healthy to let such discussions degenerate into relationship-ending anger...
  6. Taran

    Calvinism & Arminianism

    Earlier tonight, a few folks were asking about the distinctions of these two Christian theological positions. So, here's a comparative difference... God's Sovereignty Calvinism - God's sovereignty is unconditional, unlimited, and absolute. All things are predetermined by the good pleasure of...
  7. Taran

    What is considered "bad language"?

    Bad Language... Words such as obscenity, pornography, vulgarity, and profanity each mean something completely different yet they can help us understand the various issues that deserve our scrutiny. The word obscene can be thought of as meaning “out of the scene” or “offstage.” In Greek drama...
  8. Taran

    Leaked Patch Notes (for June 25, 2013)

    Its all over the forums. If you haven't seem them yet, you can find the full list posted here: Some people are saying, "these notes must be fake" - much to the tune of "ArenaNet wouldn't nerf my profession like that." Some people, however, argue that these...
  9. Taran

    Warrior Build???

    The mace and shield are not designed for multiple enemies; its designed for tanking really hard fights. For example, surviving against dungeon bosses and champions in the open world. For multiple targets, that's when I use double axes. Greatsword works, too, as you mentioned above.
  10. Taran

    New chapters and guilds for 2013

    Well, Elder Scrolls Online announced a delay until Spring 2014. We will most likely need a chapter for ESO, but not until 2014.
  11. Taran

    ESO - Elder Scrolls Online

    ESO (Elder Scrolls Online) was announced today that it has been pushed back to be released in Spring 2014. It will be available in PC, Mac, PS4, and Xbox One platforms. I guess the beta testing showed there's more work to be done than at first anticipated.
  12. Taran

    ESO - Elder Scrolls Online

    ESO (Elder Scrolls Online) was announced today that it has been pushed back to be released in Spring 2014. It will be available in PC, Mac, PS4, and Xbox One platforms. I guess the beta testing showed there's more work to be done than at first anticipated.
  13. Taran

    ESO - Elder Scrolls Online

    Game price has not yet been announced. Monthly fees are expected, but the financial model has not yet been decided (nor announced). If they use the model of most fee-based MMO's, that would be roughly $15 per month (with discounts for paying for more at one time).
  14. Taran

    ESO - Elder Scrolls Online

    The Elder Scrolls Online is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that was announced in May 2012. Developed by the team at ZeniMax Online Studios, The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) merges the unmatched exploration of rich worlds that the franchise is known for with the scale and social...
  15. Taran

    ESO - Elder Scrolls Online

    The Elder Scrolls Online is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that was announced in May 2012. Developed by the team at ZeniMax Online Studios, The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) merges the unmatched exploration of rich worlds that the franchise is known for with the scale and social...
  16. Taran

    Warrior Build???

    I usually have one melee set and one ranged set at all times. Ranged The longbow is good for trash mobs (AoE). Rifle is good for single target. Both ranged. I usually wander around with a longbow because it will work on both trash mobs and bosses, whereas the rifle would be limited to one at...
  17. Taran

    Warrior Build???

    Depends on what you are fighting. For multiple "trash" mobs, yes, the greatsword is very good. Double axes works well, too. Mace and Shield are what synergizes with the traits though (and used for single target tanking such as boss fights). But yes, if you go greatsword, just adjust your...
  18. Taran

    Warrior Build???

    It is true that sword and rifle are designed for condition damage. However, when you crunch the numbers, condition builds (in general, but particularly for warriors) and below what you can do for direct damage. Some professions can do extremely well with condition builds (such as condition...
  19. Taran

    Warrior Build???

    I have a great warrior build designed for high survival. Since I don't care if a fight lasts 2 seconds or 20 seconds, I have more patience for longer fights. So I have designed my warrior to be able to withstand enormous amounts of punishment and live to tell about it. 0/0/30/30/10 - Mace &...
  20. Taran

    Dungeon team

    I need this title, too, and would be interested.