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  1. Colossal


    When was this told to the guild?
  2. Colossal


    Well can you
  3. Colossal


    I forgot that i was signed up before i went on vacation, besides the fact that there were 2 hunters signed up not like i was taking up space.
  4. Colossal


    Why were my 3 signups moved to queue? theres 4/5 signed up and i was the 5th now im in queue?
  5. Colossal

    BWL Attunement Completed

    Colossis is attuned
  6. Colossal

    Onyxia Attunment Completed

    Colossis is attuned
  7. Colossal

    Experiencing Harassment In WOW

    Thats not exactly what i ment but whatever
  8. Colossal

    Experiencing Harassment In WOW

    Im saying its completely obvious what this is about and in my opinion the whole thing has gone too far
  9. Colossal

    Redeemed Issues with GFC members

    2 actually
  10. Colossal

    Experiencing Harassment In WOW

    I think you are taking this a little too far
  11. Colossal

    An announcement :-)

    woot woot grats!~!!!!
  12. Colossal

    URGENT: Mom in intensive care at hospital

  13. Colossal

    GFC 2nd BIRTHDAY!!!

    WoooooooT!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
  14. Colossal

    Colossis has done it

    I have finally made it to 60 after endless hours of playing and grinding and grinding. Ive decided to start another character and it will be a rogue his name is Colossals. Now its time to PVP FTW!!!!
  15. Colossal

    Rare Crafting for the guild

    Im at 300 alchemy and i can make Arcanite Transmute Frost Oil Major Healing Potions and other stuff i dont remember off the top of my head
  16. Colossal

    Crazy things you've done in WoW

    Explored entire burning steppes including blackrock mountain and went into BRD at lvl 40
  17. Colossal

    Zul'Farrak tonight, June 8

    I can go at 9:30ish I should be home around then if not 9:30 then definetly 9:45
  18. Colossal


    I have a lvl 7 druid ive been meaining to lvl up so if you wanna lvl some time message me in game Colossis is my main ..... oh and i didnt know this for a while in its /tell colossis .................. lol
  19. Colossal

    Pick the map(s)!

    Karkand FTW
  20. Colossal

    What be the ip?

    Whats the new server ip?