Experiencing Harassment In WOW

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Active Member
What to if this happens to you? Because of recent incidents I feel it is necessary to post the following:

1) Take screenshots of the activity/incident

2) Go to the red "?" on your task bar. Go to issues a GM can help you with. Send in a report stating the issue and who it was with. A GM will contact you and then look into the matter and decide on a course of action for their accounts ingame.

3) PM or email Cgamer, Chapter leader and report what happened. Attach the screen shots to your report.

4) PM or email Tek7, TOJ and CGA leader and report what happened. Attach the screen shots to your report.

Harassment of other members is not tolerated and MUST be reported in order to be dealt with.
Colossal said:
I think you are taking this a little too far

I think Goblit is only trying to bring it up so that if any harassment in the future happens to our members then they can know how to deal with it correctly.
This post was not directed at any one individual - it is a preventative measure for the members of Redeemed, so that they know what to do incase such an even should arise.
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taking it to far?

As a guild leader/officer it is her responsability to inform us about process and procedure incase something like this happens again. Taking it too far? No not really.
I have sat around watching this and not taking interest in this until now when peoples actions are effecting the community as a whole it is not good. I think both sides of this argument are in the wrong and need to stop acting like Children. This is A GAME people. We are Christians here and neither side are ACTING very Christ-like. I have seen both sides of this and I am very disappointed in how things are being handled on both sides. Something has to give people and I suggest prayer and some quiet time with Our Lord. Before any other action takes place and before people post something. If you have something negative to say good chance you shouldn't say it. If it is a serious accusation Take it to leadership and pray for them and give God time to work on their hearts if they don't listen or seem to not listen. Things cannot be fixed over night so dont expect things to be fixed in a day. That is all I have to say on the matter.
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Im saying its completely obvious what this is about and in my opinion the whole thing has gone too far
This post was not directed at any particular individual and was posted to inform people in the guild Redeemed how proceed if they find themselves victims in the game.
I agree with Goblit however because its like look wht ppl did to poor Ave and those who tried to help him i mean its not tht we want to hurt others however when we're hurting or upsetting others the GL and officers need to know about whts happening to that person
I say forget about people that only want attention in a wrong way. Lets just forget the worry we have about these people that leave or hate us and move on. Who cares what they do, they break the rules they should be ignore and no longer talked to. This is a Christian commmunity but you gotta have rules and there are going to be people who do whatever they can to crush the community. But I know Redeemed is too strong to be crush. Show our strength by letting them know they can't win and ignore them, give them no attention. Attention is better left for the faithful members and new members that join.

I like to make things better on Cenarius, you can too!
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