
Former Official Thread Killer
GUESS WHAT!!! The GFC is celebrating its second Birthday on July 7th! Yes, this Friday to be precise.

*Clears throat, trumpets sound. Herald steps forth with bound scroll that has the Eskimo Pie Seal affixed to it*

Hear ye, Hear ye. The Great Eskimo Pie has issued a decree. All GFC members are required to attend the GFC Birthday Bash Friday the 7th of July, in the year of our Lord 2006.

The festivities are set to commence as of 9 P.M. Easter Standerd Time. With a prayer meeting/Fellowship time to start at 8 P.M. Easter Standered Time.

Please be prepared for a night of fellowship, fun, and Birthday Cake! (Well, you can make a cake and eat it while we play anyway. :D )

The Great Eskimo Pie has spoken. The decree has been read.

*Herald wanders off amidst much fanfare*

The Lord has blessed us so richly this last year..... I just can't describe it... Maybe I'll try by Friday...

See you all then! :cool:
fine, i'll wait till that night to upload the files. I'll pre config it on my system.

/closes port 10000, no peeking hcs :D
PastorWirl said:
Is Fedex running on July 4th? We could overnight cake to everyone.


FedEx won't allow food to be sent.... :( I know from trying to send my Dad and Sui Banana Bread... Though so long as you don't say anything about food to USPS... THey let it go through, just no guarentee that it will be good to eat by the time it gets there.
UPS allows food to be sent - it happens all the time - people come in and send brownies, cookies, etc to people overseas and stuff.
:) Happy Birthday GFC! :)

This ones for you:

He made me into a polished arrow.(Isaiah 49:2)

Jesus: For many are called,* but few are chosen.(Mat.22:14)

God bless you all.
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It is hard to believe that 2 years ago the GFC actually came into being..... As I think back on everything the Lord has done in all our lives.... I am overwhelmed and humbled. I pray that as the GFC embarks upon another year that God will continue to bless us......

Alizak brought up a good point, we cant fit all the gfc members onto a single server...

We can try increasing slots and see what happens. So a note, which ever server we choose to populate, the other 1 is going offline for the time being.

My surprise is ready to take place on the CS source server.