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    Results from Gruul and VR - 1/18/08

    I find bosskiller guides pretty helpful
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    whats the point

    i want to be a raider rank
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    Will you be a Death Knight?

    i be ret pally
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    Chinatown is coming back to Stonemaul

    Chinatown is coming back to Stonemaul !!!!!!! MAYBE lol
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    Zul Gurub January 15 2008

    AVESTHER down WOOT T0.5 Chess dropped
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    Zul Gurub January 15 2008

    no i want to raid avesther
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    Zul Gurub January 15 2008

    8. Avesther
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    My return that Never came

    Welcome to the Real World
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    Gear goals by Class for Raiding

    get ZA and Badge gear and u are set to clear TBC
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    How not to heal a Main Tank

    Assigns Wheretoo to heal Chinatown Assigns Chinatown to heal Wheretoo
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    How not to heal a Main Tank

    worst come to worst use Bandage heal :) One thing for sure is that pallies should not be going OOM in any(almost) fights
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    How not to heal a Main Tank

    3 months :)
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    How not to heal a Main Tank

    Sure if everyone chips in "Help Chinatown Transfer Back to Stonemaul Fund"
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    How not to heal a Main Tank

    Wanna learn how to heal? Charging 100g/hr <----Cheap price limited time offer :)
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    The face of Flame

    <3 facebook lawlz
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    Mag Lair

    actually getting the badge items and ZA gear can easily put you into the MH/BT content; that being said lets get our badges and ZA gear... Use to create your character and see what you come up with
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    Santa Baby

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    later guys

    He DOES NOT even pay for it.
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    Mag Lair

    i guess its not about gear more skills? I'm in T4 :) and ima in MH/BT; dare i say WTB Skills not Gear? LOL
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    Mag Lair

    wellz these guys are in T6 :/