My return that Never came


New Member
I know i said i was going to come back to wow, i played for 2 days and didn't log in from than, as of now my subrciption has ended. I have simply lost interest in wow and decided not to renew it again. I want to try out some more things in life while im still a teenager. Do more sports and get into more things. So as of now i will not be returning. My quitting could turn into coming back with wrath of the lich king comes out, which i plan to do but until than ill just be on the forums from time to time. God bless redeemed, had great times.
not when your dads like ya im not paying for it anymore and u can pay for it once u turn 18 or get a job but otherwises tough luck!
ya it kinda bites lol
btw its a dumb game but does anyone play runescape? its the only online i can play atm cause i can be on for 10 mins and do something so ya
na i love wow but i cant handle spending atleast 2 hours min to do something! i need to work on school and rl maybe once i get more grounded in NC i can start playing agian.