Results from Gruul and VR - 1/18/08


New Member


  • Gruul: Collective DPS - 10,984k vs 9,853k last week - 11% improvement!!!
  • VR: Collective DPS - 10,241 vs 8,702 last week - 18% improvement!!!!1111!!!

Keep the pace up and keep the numbers growing!

Be ready for Mag on monday (plz healerz, plz!) or SSC will be an alternative.

If you have not already, please read up on the fights to be *aware* of what will take place. While the strategy may or may not be the exact one we deploy, being familiar with the fight will make things go much smoother.

Mag Guide:

Lurker Guide:
Because I was the only priest using Prayer of Mending last night, I went through and added up all the prayer of mending procs which happened to be 264,811. Added that to my total healing of 1,799,904 as prayer of mending is not attributed to the priest that casts it, rather its a heal attributed to the person off whom it procs and it puts my healing at 2,036,932. Which moves me to the number 1 over all healer.

Now, I'm not doing this to blow my own whistle, I'm did this to see if the so called claims in the official wow priest forums are founded. And certainly, the claims of not being able to be the number 1 raw output healer is unfounded. Everyday, I lose respect for the people who complain on those forums. My Overheal remains at under 30%, only bested by Gilga with 13%. Which is expected from a healing tree reliant on HOTs as only the HOT tick that brings a players health to 100% can register an overheal. All hots that tick while the target is at 100% do not register at all, neither as healing done nor as an overheal.

Anyway, my point is, all those priests who feel that priests have become second class healers, relegated to backup duties are most likely the poorest of all healers on WoW regardless of the class they'd have choosen to heal with. I am always more then willing to impart knowledge to any priest who would love to learn to heal to their fullest potential!
That's funny, those priests must not do end game raiding, cause I hear that Priest are the best.
o.O either way...good guides are on that site to give people plenty of warning as to what's in store