How not to heal a Main Tank


New Member
There was a serious disconnect on several of the attempts on gruul last night with healing. By grow 10 his base hit is around the 5-7k range non crit/crush. You may be able to start out with flash healing but by the end you better be hitting the tanks hard because Gruul sure is. Here is an example of what I am talking about:


This is a 10 second snap shot where it appears I had only one person flash healing me and one HOT. He is hitting me for over 5k damage. That healing doesn't cut it.

10 seconds with only one healer is not good.

I did my part, not one of those hits is a crush or crit otherwise they would have a C next to it or be in bigger text. I have gone out of my way to stack health pushing 20k and I have 17k armor. I was ahead of everyone on threat.

Healers, please do your part. Step it up a notch at the end. Use slightly down ranked greater heals for a greater healing per second ratio. Flash heals are mana per second lower but do not heal as much health in the same time. Please learn when to make the switch and don't worry about over healing because a dead tank is a wipe.

Well, I have either guaranteed I will never see a heal again or lit a fire under the healers to show me what they got next go around.
That is good advice, Sandric. Gruul is one of those fights when as things go on, everyone's out of position, mana is starting to run down, Silences are increasingly inconvenient, more and more of the raid (often including oneself) is not at full health, and there is greater chaos in general ... and as a healer you have to ignore all of that and not only maintain MT healing constant but crank it up a few notches ... and I'll confess that I'm not great at making that transition. But that screenshot says it all. Makes you wonder what the six of us were doing tonight during those ten seconds.
Sorry Sandric if we dropped the ball. I've seen Gruul dead at least 20 times and this happens on occasion. If if hits you hard and we are mid cast and a silence hits, it breaks the cast. Wait 4 seconds and see starting casting a large HoL and then we are up to 6.5+ seconds not counting the amount of broken cast time. Concentration aura actually can also break this down the time, but its random.

Another option is to have the hurtful tank jump in during a silence to split prevent totally wipeage during a silence. This might be better when you don't have a lot of HOT healers.

Didn't we get to growth 18 or something? That takes a few good healers. After 16 it gets pretty hairy.

Anyways, good words. Tonight though overall it was good to get some new people in there and let them feel out the instance so that next time we will all be dialed in and ready to go.
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And, I might add, by looking at Grim Reaper printout you were killed in 6.335 seconds. which pretty much sums up a silence and an unsuccessful attempt at Holy Light (4+2.5). That's probably why we go for a quick FoL just to see if it save in time for the next hit.
Actually, it looks like you need to change the thread title to "How to not heal a main tank." Because it shows you only had one healer during that 7 seconds. You received, by my estimation, a GHeal rank 1 every 2.5 seconds (2.9s, 2.9s, 3.2s) accounting for reaction time. Thats one healer during that time. I admit, I'm the king of the GHEal rank 1 spam, so it is most likely my heal, but not necessarily. Grim Reaper doesn't show the whole story, but it does show you died with one healer.
....and what a pounding I took after Sand died, up to and over 10,000+ blows by then, and I think I had 18,400+ hps buffed, spammed shield block etc. and still went squishy O.o but on the next to last attempt, you kept me up almost long enough to finish him. On my screen he was down to 2% before it was all over and that was with only 24 people there.
I hear ya loud and clear and agree that we can and must do better. Flash of Lights work early in the fight, but Gruul's Damage gets progressively worse. Therefore, it is imperative later in the fight that we spam Holy Light rather than just Flash of Light.
lol, those are not my Gheal rank 1. I was spamming Gheal rank 1 on sandric in heroic BM today, they land for 2600 plus. So what ever on Gods green earth was I doing :(

I think what we need to do is set up healing priorities for individual healers. ie...Citgrand, Champ, Heavencent and Gilga, 100% of the time on Sandric. Avesther, Lloren and Rom, split time between Sandric, Meli and Ironstone. All other healers split time between ranged and mellee dps.
you can chain a FoL+Holy shock which is almost equivalent to a holy light in 1.5 second, it's a waste of mana, but if it saves the tank and saves the raid, use it.
I think what we need to do is set up healing priorities for individual healers. ie...Citgrand, Champ, Heavencent and Gilga, 100% of the time on Sandric. Avesther, Lloren and Rom, split time between Sandric, Meli and Ironstone. All other healers split time between ranged and mellee dps.

She's a good player (when not being distracted by her mother), but I don't think even she could dual-box that well...
I thought the protip was to downrank, seems most of the good healers do it, although when you get up in grows on Gruul you probably need full rank, but if you use full rank the whole fight you will probably be oom by the time you need the extra big heals?