I cannot remember the last time I saw a few of these people in a Karazhan raid, how did that get placed in the core group.
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I cannot remember the last time I saw a few of these people in a Karazhan raid, how did that get placed in the core group.

Correct me is I am wrong, but I don't believe there is a wait time to get on a team. There is a two week wait period to raid.

True...so when will I be told IF my guild will accomodate me on another team since I can't raid EST times...they are too early?

Goblit we are looking over your spot to see what we can do. Please understand there needs to be a balance of raid members, you anticipate you will know by the end of next week.
Correct me is I am wrong, but I don't believe there is a wait time to get on a team. There is a two week wait period to raid.

how come a select few have got to raid a couple days after joining? its not fair if its because they had an alt in guild, you shouldnt be able to use a lowbie alt as a place holder so you can continue to raid with your old guild then come to Redeemed with your main as the raids reset and start raiding right away. The 2 week period was supposed to be for the officers and rest of the guild to get to know you better, etc and so that it didnt look like the only reason you joined was to raid and that you werent loot-centric. Getting to raid on saturday with your old guild and then with redeemed on tuesday then getting your t4 helm within a week of joining seems more raid oriented and loot-centric to me.
how come a select few have got to raid a couple days after joining? its not fair if its because they had an alt in guild, you shouldnt be able to use a lowbie alt as a place holder so you can continue to raid with your old guild then come to Redeemed with your main as the raids reset and start raiding right away. The 2 week period was supposed to be for the officers and rest of the guild to get to know you better, etc and so that it didnt look like the only reason you joined was to raid and that you werent loot-centric. Getting to raid on saturday with your old guild and then with redeemed on tuesday then getting your t4 helm within a week of joining seems more raid oriented and loot-centric to me.

Hmm, I knew this was coming... This thought crossed my mind that night. Then I remembered how we handled this is the past. We have had other people have their alt in the guild and bring their mains onto raids (Kara; and at the time their main was not in the guild) and they rolled on the T4 Helm. I don't think we should exclude someone from loot if they helped with the kill. There is allot involved with the people you are referring to. They had been in the process of joining the guild for some time, but were waiting for the "Friends of ToJ" program to start, but it is taking some time. In the mean time they continued to be in their old guild... Once we finally got the app process worked out and got them in (Which took a good 2 months) they joined with the alts and started to make their peace with the old guild. Loot-Centric? No offence, but did you see the guild they left? If they want loot they wouldn’t have left. They come here hoping to be welcome, and accepted by Christians and to be with and make new friends as I have.
When we left Sanctification we took our time to make peace with those that were left behind and we were still told specifically and numerous times "2 weeks to raid", no way around it and that was the way it was gonna be from now on. We had raided with Redeemed for 2 years and still had to wait 2 weeks. Because they toss some alts in the guild they dont miss a single day of raiding? If they come here hoping to be welcome, and accepted by Christians and to be with and make new friends as you have why cant they wait 2 weeks as you did? Why bend the rules for a single person or two when as Icthus posted in the nomination thread, we cant bend the rules for one person and then enforce them for the next.
Where you are confusing this... This was my choice that they raided the other night. I didn't think I bended any rules or was going to make someone as upset as I guess I did. When we went the other night I ask ed him to come. His remark was "If you need me." He didn't have to go. if anyone bent it a rule it was me and me alone and I take all the blame, I didn't believe I was breaking or bending a rule. Sorry you feel that way. This isn't the only instance of something like this happening and I think unless the Guild Leads want to I don't think this should continue on the forums. I'd be happy to talk more in Vent of PMs.
I'm not that upset, it wasnt like he took my spot(not sure if he did take anyones spot, if there was someone that got bumped for him) and I didnt need the helm he rolled on(China did but hes relatively new at kara with us it seems, think he has been there before). I just found it interesting with all the talk recently from Icthus about not bending any rules for one person and you guys making new rules for being able to roll on loot at gruuls, etc.
The loot rules in Gruul take the place of DKP... what one do you like? :) I like the new rules... think it gets the same result, but easy and I think more fair.
I kinda like DKP, it rewards those that are there in the trenches every week but with 25 man raids and 40 people online it also gets skewed against the people that get unlucky and lose the roll hehe. I dont disagree with the new loot rules in gruuls either though, its fair:)
is there anyway to account for those who get unlucky in the rolls for gruuls that they may have a better chance to go the next run?

and tyvm mordos for posting the reqs for my class :)
idk about u guys but shouldn't we have a Druid tank on the core team; cuz i know that Tickles always had at least 1 Druid tank going into 25man and also when i was running with Elite they also had at least 1 Druid tank. Maybe it's just me idk LOL
I now have over 1600 healing but I am shy on the mana per 5. I have about +110 mana per 5 in the best combination for +healing / mp5. The PMC chest (which I am making) will give me +10 mana per 5 and because I'll then have the 3 piece set bonus of an addition 5% of mana regen to happen while casting. That works out to between +15 and +20 mana per 5, that will give me 110 + 10 + 15 = 135 mana per 5. WooHoo!
sweet! let me know if you need any help with mats for the robe Aves:) or if you need Lara's cooldown
im jw will what happened were i wasnt even in pull that i can go to 25 mans? cause it was a really good learning experience for me and i believe the rest of the team to learn the raid but also each other