"In addition, we now have a 25 man progression team. This team will be concentrating on downing Lurker, Hydross, and Voidreaver. This team may also bring this team in for Gruul if the HKM team is unable to down him after several attempts. Once this team downs a boss 3 times in a row, we will open that boss up to anyone who meets the 25 man reqs."

What, we're skipping Magtheridon?
Yeah. Mag is not the next step.

Loot Reaver, I mean Void Reaver is the generally accepted next step. Then mvoing into Lurker and friends.
ok 2 questions...
2. I concur with skittlles, but how do we get put on the list even if it is for back up?

Especially you, Icthus.
do you both meet the 25 man requirements? I'm not sure, i'm just asking, that may be a possibility, I know they recently posted new requirements for 25 mans and you need to be at least real close.
1 problem with meeting the reqs is knowing what they are, the link is down so i cant see what is required of me to 25-man raid
One of the most important reqs for the 25 man progression team is production. As well as experiance. (You need Exalted with Violet Eye)
wait so then i REALLY cant do 25 mans for a long time then sad day!
im not complaining about it i just want to know so i can come and help u guys out
I can't stress enough that before anyone posts a statemnt or question that they read the post that started this tread. Most of the time the info is there.
thank you mordos i did not know that
and i would like to stress the fact that i still cant read the 25 man req page so if that could be fixed it would be greatly appreciated

im only posting b/c i dont know the reqs b/c i cannot find them and my inquires are to what the reqs are so if a new link could be put up or the old one fixed again it would be greatly appreciated
Here you go Skittles: This is the reqs for a Mage;
1) Achieve Exalted reputation with Violet Eye faction
2) Have blue (rare) quality or better gems in all raid gear slots
3) 300-skill or blue (rare) quality patches on enchantable raid gear
4) All requirements below are UNBUFFED stats except as noted, but may use passive talents
5) Spell damage requirements are for any one school of damage (e.g. Fire, Shadow, etc…)
6) MP5 is Mana Regenerated per 5 Seconds WHILE CASTING
(example: Clefthide Leg Armor, Silver Spellthread)
Raid gear slots to be enchanted (*if applicable)
Weapon Head Shoulder Chest Back
Hand Leg Foot Shield*
Class Mage
Spec Any
Spell Dmg 900
Mana 9,000
MP5 --
Spell Crit 20%
Spell Hit*** 16%
*** - Regarding +spell hit for all casters: 76 hit is the cap with 5/5 spell hit talent. 101 hit before you can go to 4/5. 126 hit before you can do 3/5. 152 hit before you can do 2/5. 177 hit before you can do 1/5. 202 hit before you can do 0/5.
I would like to know the minimum amount of time a person must be a member of Redeemed in order to be placed in a raiding team.
I mentioned it to an officer already but why is Grampy listed in the kara pool when he is 63?
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