Halloween & 25Oct06 Update

I think it will be a witches had, I saw a little frog wearing one in Kamadan. What do you have to collect to get one? Is it worth it trying to get the other items?
I haven't seen the chat log but supposedly Gaile Gray said there will be a different gift given in Kamadan and in Lions arch. So not only will it be different from last year, there will be 2 gifts given out. If I can find the log I'll post it.
Great, another reason we need a hat rack in our storage bin. 3 ppl 2 toons each and they all want each hat right so wow storage fills up fast on these event at our house.

There is no way I'll be able to get all 10 of my characters a hat :(

Mad king is only gonna show up every 3 hours, and Gaile Grey said for a total of 9 times. I guess I'll get one of each for my warrior and a the Elonan present for my dervish and paragon.
He should start showing up at 12:01 midnight PST on Halloween and every 3 hours after that. If it is like last year, you don't have to be at the keyboard to receive the item. HOWEVER, last year, the Mad King played Mad King Says and everyone who didn't get a particular round corrected was killed, presents awarded to the living and then everyone was rezzed. If you are on the survivor title track, you will probably not want to leave yourself there.
3:00 AM...I'll try and stay up that long, but it is a school night, so I may have to wait until I get home. My dad won't care if I stay up that late, but I need to sleep.
guys its not ONLY 3:00am, its 3:00am, 6:00am, 9:00am 12:00pm, 3:00pm, 6:00pm, 9:00pm, and midnight. and its not like its first come first serve right? I am going to sleep tonight and after school when i come home imma talk to the Mad King!
OK, I have to apologize, I have verified on 2 characters that Mad King deaths DO NOT count toward your /deaths total or against the survivor track.

I left both accounts online last night while I slept. Loew Shikaku got a Wicked Hat in Kamadan (along with a few random items for not doing something when the Mad King did not say "Mad King says..."). I also got a Pumpkin Head on Eildert Derk in Lion's Arch. It is NOT the same head has last year's pumpkin head. I caught the 6AM eastern visit while I was getting ready for work with my lvl 3 Dervish and even though I missed a few things, he still has 0 deaths, but now has a hat too. A few appropriate emotes at the right time got me a few extra items too.

I have left Gabriel Krug (Paragon - 83,000xp, no deaths) in Kamadan and Trytt Krug in LA until I stop home at lunch.

The random items in both continents DO include transmogrification potion on both continents, only collectors in Elona have it though. I'm glad I sold the sentient roots I got for 300g each before the Mad King began showing up.