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As I have previously stated, what YOU have PERSONALLY seen as a Christian, is a very very small slice of the history of Christianity.
your going to focus on what you choose. Theres much more than a corrupt history.
The actions of Christians throughout history speak far more loudly than the words that come out of their mouths.
There are instances of both hypocracy, and sincerity. If all Christians throughout history are hypocrites in your eyes, I really don't have more to say to you.
I have lived as a Christian, so I understand exactly what you are talking about. I've seen the good Christians and I've seen the hypocrites. Do people believe Christ changed their lives? Sure. Do people murder in the name of Christ? Yes. What's your point?
My point would fall along the lines of Matt 13:24-30
I think you need to read your Bible again:
heh, I know what my Bible says.... yes, Ive read all those verses and in response I could list off a million verses like Isaih53:6 or Romans 3:23. Everyone is guilty of sin. Show me a perfect man and I will show you a liar.
Sin tends to work its way through people like yeast through dough. After the fall of man in Gen, God establishes a new covenant through Abraham, and tells us how to live perfect lives. No one could live up to 10 commands, or they failed to atone for thier sin after breaking the commands. If anyone followed the old Covenant perfectly, they would go to Heaven without Jesus.
I will ignore the few verses you took out of context because I see what you are saying. Your point is moot though if no one lives a perfect life.
Reread Gen 3 and you will see how/where YOUR God punished all of Man, not just Adam and Eve.
Yes God cursed mankind for disobedience, and Yes all men die. No, God did not sentance everyone to hell for 2 peoples sin, which is what I thought you were implying.
Sorry MP, but you are QUITE wrong.
I always love a non biased opinion ;)
Didasko said:
I think your starting to catch on:) Claiming and being are very different.

You're mincing words and avoiding the question.

You CLAIM to a be a Christian too, don't you?

You BELIEVE, you are a Christian.

MP, I never claimed that all Christians were hypocrites, nor have I stated that Christian history is only its bloody portion.

I love it when I prove you wrong and you try and turn the discussion to something else.
Dark Virtue said:
You're mincing words and avoiding the question.

You CLAIM to a be a Christian too, don't you?

You BELIEVE, you are a Christian.


No minced words just a little jibe in jest.

You see the point I am making DV. I have answered that question so many times that I tire of it. You choose not to accept my answer and I choose not to accept yours. I will state it one more time just for clarification and then perhaps we can stop this circular arguement we are having.

The people who did the evil things you speak of were not following the teachings of Christ period.

You can argue til your blue in the face about the fact they thought they were following Christ's teachings, that does not change the fact that they were wrong.

Now you can say 'what makes you sure you are not wrong' or 'why didn't God make the Bible clearer so they knew for sure what His teachings are'.

And I will respond that, the Bible is clear on these points but evil men twist God's word to their own liking all the time.

Round and round we go, where we stop who knows...

At this point I thinks it's time to respectfully agree to disagree.
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I love it when I prove you wrong and you try and turn the discussion to something else.
hah, who are you?
maybe something to the extent of:
"I love it when I prove you wrong such as _____" or "Your turning the discussion from___ to ____" would be more helpful?
your the one who seems to adress nothing of my last post and are bieng vague. Self proclaimed victory doesn't hold much wieght kid....:(
My ,my, my. O so good. Wow! I wonder who is really laughing now. You can bet someone is not impressed. God's way not our way is the only way. Bless you guys and remember to read Psalm 133:1-3 .
Didasko said:
No minced words just a little jibe in jest.

You see the point I am making DV. I have answered that question so many times that I tire of it. You choose not to accept my answer and I choose not to accept yours. I will state it one more time just for clarification and then perhaps we can stop this circular arguement we are having.

The people who did the evil things you speak of were not following the teachings of Christ period.

You can argue til your blue in the face about the fact they thought they were following Christ's teachings, that does not change the fact that they were wrong.

Now you can say 'what makes you sure you are not wrong' or 'why didn't God make the Bible clearer so they knew for sure what His teachings are'.

And I will respond that, the Bible is clear on these points but evil men twist God's word to their own liking all the time.

Round and round we go, where we stop who knows...

At this point I thinks it's time to respectfully agree to disagree.

Listen, I understand what you're saying. The problem that I have is that these people that you are calling evil didn't believe they were evil. They HONESTLY thought they were doing God's will.

That's been my point. These evil ones weren't wearing pointy horns and carrying a pitchfork. They were holding bibles and doing what they thought was right.

THAT is why religion is frightening.
Master~Plan said:
hah, who are you?
maybe something to the extent of:
"I love it when I prove you wrong such as _____" or "Your turning the discussion from___ to ____" would be more helpful?
your the one who seems to adress nothing of my last post and are bieng vague. Self proclaimed victory doesn't hold much wieght kid....:(

Sorry MP, I'll apologize.

I was/am hyped up on cold medicine.

Sometimes I can be just as hardheaded, as well, you :)
umm okay again. I just read through......4 pages with nothing relating to the topic at hand. Can you (ya'll) turn it back around?


Just saw part two.

This lady is freakin' mental. What a sad, pathetic excuse for a human being. I honestly don't know what more to say.

I SERIOUSLY hope no one knows a Christian like this. And if you do, professional help should be suggested.

She did, however, do something MANY Christians do. She wanted these "tainted" ones to embrace her God and her faith, but by the same token, she didn't want ANYTHING to do with their beliefs. Sound familiar?

Anyone else see the second part?

My favorite part was the end, when, for the cameras, she tore up the money, not wanting to have anything to do with "dark sided" stuff. She's a GOD WARRIOR after all! She tore that money up and threw it outside! Good for her! Oh wait...OFF CAMERA, she changed her mind and took the money. What a frickin' hypocrite!
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Dark Virtue said:
What a frickin' hypocrite!
Please give her a break! She was away from her family, no sleep for a week, she stated that she had never cried so much as she had that week, in her entire life, with that weight, I can guarantee she has some hypertension issues, and she had a sweet, gentle, loving man trying to convert her to his New Age Movement! (Did you notice his wife was not a bit surprised by the report of his actions?) In addition, she seemed to know a bit about God's command to stay away from soothsaying, the occult, ect. The unsaved family seemed to be sweet and kind enough, granted. But have you ever seen such a living environment? There was every occult teaching and practice around as far as the eye could see. LITERALLY every square inch of the house was covered in some way, even the front and backyards were decorated. Then, we had Buddha to boot!! Just for good measure?? This would be akin to portraying and following every religious practice known to man! Confusion at its best! The lady was obviously frightened. When she spoke with the other mother she spoke of several times of wanting to go home. Therefore, one can suppose, she has a camera crew coercing her, also! I don't mean to condone her actions, I don't appreciate the way she, or FOX portrayed Christianity as a whole, but try and have some empathy here. The love of money is the root of all evil, and that is what that show is about from every angle, for every person involved. For the record, that was not money she was tearing up, it was the letter the other mom had written to tell her what was to be done with the money.
*SIGH* Yes, this is a lesson on walking the walk more than talking the talk. I am in great hopes that more importantly than chaging her mind about the money, this mom will try and seek forgiveness from both families and the crew for her actions.
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Marcylene said:
In addition, she seemed to know a bit about God's command to stay away from soothsaying, the occult, ect. The unsaved family seemed to be sweet and kind enough, granted. But have you ever seen such a living environment?

For one thing she should have never put herself in the position to be around such things. Anyone who has ever watched the show knows that the producers are going for full effect and will put families together with opposite beliefs just to get the reaction they do. If she knows a bit about God's command, then she should never have applied to be on the show in the first place.
I'm not familiar with the show to be honest, yet I know FOX is king in cashing in on real life drama! Let's be honest, I think she had more than she ever bargained for even in knowing how the show works. I have Scripture in every room of my house, but those guys put me to shame, that was over the top! Even their blankets were decorated to show their eclectic pagan beliefs! The one room had those Spirograph like drawings...they were using them like wall paper. (hmmm *thinking* pages out of the Bible would make beautiful wall paper and fulfill the command...)

And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.
And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:
And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and thy shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.
And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates. Deuteronomy 6:5-9
ah, I missed the freak show. I forgot about it, I usually watch tv once a week on tuesdays for The Office. I love that show. fake reality tv is far better than reality tv....
Oh wait...OFF CAMERA, she changed her mind and took the money. What a frickin' hypocrite!
:( from the short internet movie clip I saw, the lady is obviously unhealthy, I think the real monster is fox for exploiting a lady's unhealthy mental illness
I am sorry I cannot defend her only because as a christain in world where one must be spiritually armored at all times and she shown no armor.Love is the only way to sway even the toughest of foes.We all see things everyday that is odd and if we didn't know the TRUTH we could possibly except it as true. As for excepting the chance to make money and witness, where is the bad? Knowledge O grasshopper! Gods word is the flame and the Truth... Jesus did not ask christains to affect other christains He asked Us to affect the world!!!! Bring it on wOOt!!!!
Slim, did you watch the show? The money issue became an important part of the show. She made a HUGE display about tearing up the letter/money because she didn't want anything from the "dark sided" mother. She tore it up and threw it outside for the cameras. All that display was for NOTHING though, because she gladly accepted the money OFF camera.

BTW, she DID mention being spiritually armored and claimed that she was.

A coworker brought up a good point. It's more probably that her mighty faith was actually extremely weak and that's why she acted the way she did.

I found this on another forum and would like your take on it:

I certainly experience all the shock, horror, and sick amusement reported by others in this thread. My final assessment was that that the fundy wife has some intense self-esteem problems. I suspect she has embraced radical xian spiritualism as a self-defense mechanism. Instead of being an unattractive, uneducated, morbidly obese housewife, she is transformed into a "God-warrior" locked in an epic battle against the forces of the "dark-side."

The attractiveness of this spiritualism lies deep in the schizophrenic nature of the the xian message. The xian (generally) simultaneously accepts two powerful, yet conflicting, doctrines:

1) (s)he is a wicked, testable, loathesome creature, worthless, guilty, and wretched on their own account.

2) (s)he is of inestimable value to the Creator of the universe

Judging from the external appearance and dramatic, self-centered behavior of Marg, I'm guessing (1) and (2) are right up her alley.
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