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I think you can't see the forest for the trees. Take an OBJECTIVE look at the history of Christianity and you'll be amazed at what you'll find.
Hey, look, the Roman Catholic card....
Listen up. The Roman Catholic Church has a bloody history, but my hands and the hands of my family are clean. The Church was used as a political trump card, but I can confidently report my family's money is clean. I live here and now, and I will not carry the burden of what they have done any more than you will. The only person I ever killed was Jesus Christ on a cross two thousand years ago, and for that I am unworthy of Heaven. I said: I differ " We have not become like that". Note the present tense.

If your trying to prove that I'm a sinner, you really don't have to. I am a sinner. I am no better than the Roman Catholics as far as sin goes. I don't act like them, or anyone I know. I don't act like the crazy lady, or anyone I know. We have not become like that, but if you want to talk value, sure, I'm a sinner. There is only One who is good.

I hope you don't go around calling every white person from America racist because of America's past. Are there racist people? sure. Are there murderers? sure. we are not murderers. we are not racist.*cross fingers*
*edited* (yeah theres a line that could be taken as a personal attack, I took out)
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Dark Virtue said:
I think you can't see the forest for the trees. Take an OBJECTIVE look at the history of Christianity and you'll be amazed at what you'll find.

sigh...we have been here so many times. DV I'm not sure how many times I have typed this.

Many things are done in the name of Christianity by power hungry non-christians that exploit the 'religion'. Just because someone claims to do it in the name of God does not make it something that is sanctioned by the Church.

And when I say Church, I do not mean the Roman Catholic church or the church of England or the Protestant church, I mean the body of believers.

It is ludicrous to pin all the crimes done by power hungry men in the past that claimed they did it in the name of God on Christianity.

If you will take an OBJECTIVE look at what it means to be a Christian you'll understand this.
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How do you change the world view? One person at a time.

Amen, and let it begin with me. Oh now, that will preach!! Every good sermon deserves good music:)

Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me.
Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me.
Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me.
Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me.
Didasko said:
It is ludicrous to pin all the crimes done by power hungry men in the past that claimed they did it in the name of God on Christianity.
If you will take an OBJECTIVE look at what it means to be a Christian you'll understand this.

Dark Virtue said:
I'm glad you said that because that is EXACTLY what she did, curse in Jesus' name.
...but, don't worry, I don't think anyone would say she was the average Christian.
Well, he gave us a break in the area of cursing! :D Sorry, it's wee hours and I simply couldn't resist!
Master~Plan said:
Hey, look, the Roman Catholic card....
Listen up. The Roman Catholic Church has a bloody history, but my hands and the hands of my family are clean. The Church was used as a political trump card, but I can confidently report my family's money is clean. I live here and now, and I will not carry the burden of what they have done any more than you will. The only person I ever killed was Jesus Christ on a cross two thousand years ago, and for that I am unworthy of Heaven. I said: I differ " We have not become like that". Note the present tense.

If your trying to prove that I'm a sinner, you really don't have to. I am a sinner. I am no better than the Roman Catholics as far as sin goes. I don't act like them, or anyone I know. I don't act like the crazy lady, or anyone I know. We have not become like that, but if you want to talk value, sure, I'm a sinner. There is only One who is good.

I hope you don't go around calling every white person from America racist because of America's past. Are there racist people? sure. Are there murderers? sure. we are not murderers. we are not racist.*cross fingers*
*edited* (yeah theres a line that could be taken as a personal attack, I took out)

I wasn't referring JUST to the Catholic church, take a look at the early years of the church and the attacks it made on rival factions. Protestant sects have just a bloody history...take a look at the Salem witch trials.

And no, I wasn't calling you a sinner. Take a look at my other posts and you will see I despise that attitude. I don't consider you any more a sinner than I consider myself.

Just ONE like that could be taken as a personal attack? :)
Didasko said:
sigh...we have been here so many times. DV I'm not sure how many times I have typed this.

Many things are done in the name of Christianity by power hungry non-christians that exploit the 'religion'. Just because someone claims to do it in the name of God does not make it something that is sanctioned by the Church.

And when I say Church, I do not mean the Roman Catholic church or the church of England or the Protestant church, I mean the body of believers.

It is ludicrous to pin all the crimes done by power hungry men in the past that claimed they did it in the name of God on Christianity.

If you will take an OBJECTIVE look at what it means to be a Christian you'll understand this.

I think you guys are far too eager to crucify me (no pun intended).

I don't view every Christian as a member of the Roman Catholic Church during the Dark Ages. I've never said that, nor have I implied that. I have, however, reminded you that Christianity has had a long, sordid history. Whenever I say that though, you automatically think of Roman Catholics during the Dark Ages. There are MANY more examples than just that.
Protestant sects have just a bloody history...
America has a bloody history (and bloody present for that matter:( ) Are you responsible for Americas past? Would you say we(or you and the community you are directly involved with) have digressed like the people of Americas past? or would it be more accurate to say we have progressed? My point is only that written history is not the norm. Times of peace are never recorded in History.
If all these "accidents" keep happening to people driving the vehicle of their faith, then one would have to come to the conclusion that not all vehicles are as safe as each other.

Hare Krishna's, I believe, have yet to have a crusade. The vehicle of their faith has a good safety record.

Christianity has the kind of safety record reserved for certain types of high sided SUV with papier mache fuel tanks.

I'm not saying that I blame each and every one of you personally, I'm just saying that if you can't accept that it has a nasty history, and therefore a serious PR problem, then you're in denial, somewhat.
Eon said:
I'm not saying that I blame each and every one of you personally, I'm just saying that if you can't accept that it has a nasty history, and therefore a serious PR problem, then you're in denial, somewhat.

I agree that Christianity has a PR problem. No question about that. The Bible warns that this will be the case.

Much of it is self imposed. All the in fighting and bickering is enough in itself to cause a serious PR problem.

In addition to that, just living a Christian life causes a PR problem with worldly people.

I do not agree however that all the things done in the past by evil men claiming Christianity should be blamed on the Church. They should be blamed on the evil men and the people weak enough to be coerced into following them.
Didasko said:
I do not agree however that all the things done in the past by evil men claiming Christianity should be blamed on the Church. They should be blamed on the evil men and the people weak enough to be coerced into following them.

The collective name for the people you describe would be "The Christian Church".
Master~Plan said:
America has a bloody history (and bloody present for that matter:( ) Are you responsible for Americas past? Would you say we(or you and the community you are directly involved with) have digressed like the people of Americas past? or would it be more accurate to say we have progressed? My point is only that written history is not the norm. Times of peace are never recorded in History.

The difference is that Christianity holds itself to a higher standard. You are of God, no?

Note, that I have never claimed that America does NOT hold a bloody history. The actions of America against its native people are horrible and shameful. Christianity, on the other hand, tends to turn a blind eye to its shameful history.

That, is the difference. Those men that slaughtered the Native Indians were AMERICANS. There is no argument about whether they were "true" Americans or not. Seeing the difference now?
Didasko said:
I do not agree however that all the things done in the past by evil men claiming Christianity should be blamed on the Church. They should be blamed on the evil men and the people weak enough to be coerced into following them.


But the problem, Didasko, is determining which are the evil amongst the sheep. ESPECIALLY when the sheep do not think for themselves. History has shown this to be an unfortunate truth.
The collective name for the people you describe would be "The Christian Church".
Its okay, people will make generalizations. To foriegners Americans are Americans. Theres no Southern, Northern, Sanfranciscan, etc etc. I heard when you go to England and some people hear you don't have an English accent, they talk to you really slow to intentionally imply that your dumb.
In the same way, its always far more complex than "The Christian Church" Are little kids in thier firefighter costumes really firefighters? no, even though you love them, you would never ask them to put out a fire. In the same way people who call themselves christians but are too immature whether they just don't read the Bible or they don't really believe, we love them, but don't ask them to do God's work until they are a mature Christian.
silent worship said:
It's been my experience that most self professed christians are like this. Perhaps not to this extreme. What is a true Christian?

Expand on this a bit please.
Eon said:
The collective name for the people you describe would be "The Christian Church".

I think you are having a hard time understanding what I call 'the Church'. The Church is not an institution like the Catholic church or the Greek Orthidox church or the Protestant church or the church of England. The Church is the true followers of Christ that are scattered all over the planet. It is not a specific institution.

I understand that specific institutions have done horrible things in the name of Christ. But in the cases I have studied the leaders have been evil or horribly misguided.
Dark Virtue said:
"The Church is the true follwers of Christ..."

Here we go again

I thought you might turn this into another discussion of what a true Christian is:)

Very predictable...but it has nothing to do with this topic. You would have a hard time finding a group of 'christians' anywhere (at least one large enough to matter) that would not agree with what I typed.
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