My greatest day in WoW! What's yours?

I know this is an old thread, but i just have to share my WoW story!!

Its was a couple of years ago...I think...Anyway...

I have had the absolute privilege of playing WoW with my wife for several years. Its been amazing! So I decided that I would like to surprise her in with something cool, different, romantic, and a little silly. I acquired a white wedding dress and a tuxedo, I bought a golden wedding ring and arranged for my friends and family to meet at the top of the cathedral steps in Stormwind. One of my buddies had some fireworks and an Elder's Moonstone, for effect... We had a full blown wedding service, it was really awesome! Something I will definitely never forget.

A more recent great moment was downing the last boss in Underbog when the rest of the party got wiped. I was tanking (Paladin of course..) and was somehow able to take him down from about half health. It was an awesome fight with lots of cheers and encouragement from my dead party members. I felt like an absolute monster at the end!

Sorry so long, just so many great moments!
