It's that time of year again...

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Marcylene @ Oct. 25 2004,9:52)]You aren't proving me wrong, D.V. You are bound and determined that the Good LORD is wrong.
Ah, the irony.

That very statement is WRONG.

I can only believe what I have evidence for.

I have no evidence to support the belief in gods.

No man can show that evidence. No man can prove it.

Only God seems to be able to do so. And for some reason, He has only chosen to give roughly one third of humanity the evidence necessary to believe in Him.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Marcylene @ Oct. 25 2004,9:54)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Dark Virtue @ Oct. 25 2004,9:52)]The Bible offers neither. It is a subjective work of mythology created by Man.
A lie from the pit!
There is NO proof to substantiate the divinity of the Bible.

If there is, I'd love to see it.
D.V. you are such a wonderful and intelligent man! READ THE BOOK! oh, D.V., can you not read it without doubt? History, great! Science, wonderful! There is that that proves the things of the Bible, but D.V., it seems many are only out to refute and destroy it!
Back to the topic. I plan on doing the same thing I do for halloween every year, just like I plan on doing the same thing for easter and christmas every year.

I want to thank Kidan for his first post. He has given me some insight to how I should view these holidays. It was something I have been struggling with the past few years. Thanks for that Kidan.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.
James 1:17
He blesses us daily! Writing His name in the moon...I KNOW you can see Him without that!
I suddenly have an intense craving for the Dryer's Pumpkin Ice Cream in my freezer
D.V., I would like to publicly apologize.  While I was getting frustrated in our conversation, I never want to come across as unloving, unkind, or first and foremost, as disrespectful.  Truly, these images would be contrary of my feelings toward you.  I just hope you will understand, if I believe as you do, from your view, I really do not lose or gain.  But believing as I see the dilemma.  I do care.  
I do not want to make excuses, I look up to you in many areas.  I wish more men would so strongly stand for what they believe.

Ummm, it is that time of year for pumpkin everything!  Pumpkin ice cream!  Mech, You MUST try it.  I strongly, highly recommend Shake's!  They make frozen custard and their pumpkin is excellent:)  They are new to our area.  I am not sure how prevalent they are.  Nevertheless, you can find some form of pumpkin frozen delight, even at Jack in the Box!

Thad, how do you celebrate Halloween and the other holidays?
Halloween to me is not a holiday. I can't imagine why anybody would call an evening of being pestered by kids a holiday. And although, I have to admit, some of the costumes on the smaller children are cute, the fact that a 16 year old comes to my door expecting candy just, well, blows.

btw... I can't believe I read all 16 pages...sheesh, my eyes hurt now.
All three of them


Don't worry about it, no worries. These issues are frustrating all the way around. Try being in the minority, then it gets REALLY fun
Well, the past few years have been a struggle for me. 5 years actually. You see, I know of the pagan origins of the holdays and always considered them "Christian" since they seemed to be instituted by the Catholic church on pagan holy days to incorperate believers. I had serious issues with this, to the point my wife and I fought every year when the holidays came around. My reasoning is that God commanded the Israelites not to do some of the things we do. (not necessarily halloween but Christmas especially) They tree, the presents, those things come from a pagan story. Santa clause, a lie that is perpetuated to children every year. It is a pet peve of mine, what can I say.

Halloween, I let my kids dress up, but nothing scary or offensive and we go door to door in our neighborhood. Christmas, even though I have had an issue with, we still celebrate it the same (Christ centered of course) I just wish I could convince my family to do away with the whole gift giving thing, except for one present for each person. I think its to overdone every year. I think it should be more about just getting together with your family and enjoying the time together peacefully. (for some of our families its harder than others.)

Anyway, as you can see, I don't do much different than most people. We read the Christmas story to our kids every Christmas eve.

Well... Santa cLaus isnt evil.. Th story I say is there was a fat guy in the north who flies around and drops presents in your chimeny. I do not affilate it with any Pagan Gods or rituals.. nor Do I worship Santa claus or the Christmas tree... Hvae one day of the year where there is no work and just sitting at home giving people presents sounds fine to me. Then you say grace at the dinner, no Paganism or whatever involved... I dont care who invented the name Santa Clause, and i dont care if he was oringinally a chimney-sneaker-into killer either... The heart of the matter is, gather family and give eachother stuff, which causes hapiness, excitement and all kinds of great feelings!
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Well... Santa cLaus isnt evil.. Th story I say is there was a fat guy in the north who flies around and drops presents in your chimeny.

Well it didn't take me long to use this...

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Lie = False statement deliberately presented as true.

You may not WANT to affiliate it with pagan rituals, but by trading presents and sitting around an ornamented tree on the winter solstice you ARE partaking in pagan rituals.
and actually Santa Claus is based heavily upon stories about the Norse god Odin, the All-Father, as well as a couple different pagan deities.

Then to top it all off, it's out-right lying to our children, when in the next breath we tell our kids to not lie.