Breaking the lens

lol.. i would like to see a picture of Tek in a suit, bowler hat and holding a copy of the financial times... If he does then i would pose in the traditional USA gear.. what is that by the way? string vest and denim shorts?..:D :D
OK so this isn't the zoo picture, but it was in fact, only hours ago. :D

That's a mesh bag that holds some of my son's Winnie the Pooh blocks :D
Okay okay.


They made up, but I'm not allowed to show that picture. But at least you don't have to worry.

Cool toy.
Thanks. I purchased it with tickets at a Tulsa arcade. I had saved up a large sum of tickets over the years and "bought" the Godzilla plush shortly before I moved.
As soon as my webcam works, I can show some...interesting stuff.

Like my dog, Coco, which apparently, is hiding under the table next to me cause shes afraid of Deep-fry Cooker sound/smell.


On my lap

Cross-eyed, LOL

My Star Fox T-Shirt

Ninja Turtle Mask

Dr. Salvador Mask (RE4)
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Funny.. thats exactly how i pictured you looking... lol

and the turtle mask is cool :D
My power cord, a few minutes after my computer chair ate it alive.

Me after about 3 hours (too long) of working on some PHP.