
Vanaze, you are looking for reasons why Bush is a bad president rather than an idiot. So don't confuse the issue. There is ample evidence for both, I believe, but i was only trying to get at the idiot part. His feeble mindedness was established long ago.

In any case, your allegiance to Bush is predicated on the fact that you believe he is a good, conservative Christian; in your mind, he can do no wrong.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I think in today's age, doing miracles or "magic" would be a stumbling block to non-believers, simply because the common view of magic is that it is dark power that one person can control to do what they want. The last thing I would want to happen is to do something like that and cause people to turn to me in awe instead of turning to Jesus.

I think in today's age, the common view is that there is no such thing as magic, and most people would find the idea preposterous. I could be wrong on that, but frankly, I'm not sure if I actually know a single individual who believes in that kind of thing. And as a non-believer, I'd have to say that my biggest stumbling block is that the Bible makes about as much sense as a retard who is drunk and on drugs. I think some miracles might convince someone like me.
Oh, your arrogance and demeaning tone isn't appreciated, and no, I don't think he can do no wrong.

I'm quite aware he's fallible, and I know many conservative Christians who rather dislike Bush.

I like him because he is a good president, no matter what the critics say, which those critics usually swing the truth so far that it hardly resembles the truth anymore.

You've yet to show me one reason why he's a moron. All you've done, predictably, has been the infamous "I'm going to skirt around the issues and never really answer his question."

One one one.


[b said:
Quote[/b] (Grand Master @ Mar. 11 2004,3:29)]I think some miracles might convince someone like me.
I doubt that. Seeing as you just compared the Bible to a drunken handicapped person, little will change your mind aside from God coming down and slapping the crap out of you.
Your own ignorance is what turns you away from understanding the Bible.

Why do you think it's the best selling book of all time, because it makes no sense to everyone? NO, because it makes perfect sense and gives people HOPE to live on.

Why do you think it is the most influential book in all of history?

Because it /is/ important, it /is/ significant, and it DOES change lives.

That's probably one reason that the liberal media tried to do everything in their power to make The Passion seem anti-semitic and anti-this, and anti-that, and pro-hate, and la la la la la, ::turns Wolf Blitzer OFF::

"He who has set in their heart that there is no God is a fool."

And seeing how God the Son is Jesus....And Jesus is the Word.....Well, you can make your own connections.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]One.
One one one....
...anti-this, and anti-that, and pro-hate, and la la la la la,
starting to scare me vanase, don't go crazy on me. Just exhale

Grand master- everyone has thier moments; finding some dumb sounding quotes from Bush isn't really much. you can find stupid sounding quotes from anyone who speaks alot. no one is perfect...
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I'd have to say that my biggest stumbling block is that the Bible makes about as much sense as a retard who is drunk and on drugs
really? how much of the Bible have you read? are we reading the same Bible?

What is it about Bush's presidency that you find so appealing?

His handling of the Economy?
His position on Healthcare issues?
His foriegn policy?
His trade policy?

Or should we discuss the manner in which he came to the White House in the first place - the shameful vote counting shennanigans that belonged more to a third world country than a Western Democracy.
If not blind nersighted, but I would still stand on my previous statement, power makes one blind, as for the mugger example ppl get mugged any way..
Shameful, eh? Let's look at Gore. He knew he lost, but he didn't want to accept it. So he took months of recounts just to stall. You don't call that "shameful"?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]If not blind nersighted, but I would still stand on my previous statement, power makes one blind, as for the mugger example ppl get mugged any way..
Not everyone. People who stand true to God's Word are not "blinded" by it. People who follow the Bible while in a seat of power will do much good.
Well, I'll bring in a proper timeline and account of those recounts - running from the Republicans banning 30% of African American voters from polling through to the miscounting of overseas ballots, from Bush's cousin (a media) geting the media to call the election to him early (and innaccurately) and finally getting the Supreme court to cease the recounts when it looked like things might get nasty.

Honestly - I've got no vested interest in this, it's not like I vote either way, is it?
YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM, EON!!^!#^&@^ You non-voter, you. =P

Heh, well, I just got out of algebra (brain says ow), so I'll go reflect and collect some resources for why I consider Bush a good president while I cool off. Post coming soon!

I shalt not let thine comment go unnoticed, Plan!@%%!@!!


Like I said, I'm a politcal science major. On top of that, religions of all kind fascinate me.

Politics and religion, wow, I'm screwed. -_-

van the bible is the best selling book of all time maybe because its the oldest.... and many people dont own just one but rather 3-5 or even 10 or more.. plus all the ones churchs would buy, and when they replace those.... that adds up alot over time...
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I doubt that. Seeing as you just compared the Bible to a drunken handicapped person, little will change your mind aside from God coming down and slapping the crap out of you.
Maybe. But I think he's afraid of me.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]really? how much of the Bible have you read? are we reading the same Bible?
I think we are - you just haven't thought about it and analyzed it like I have.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Your own ignorance is what turns you away from understanding the Bible.

Why do you think it's the best selling book of all time, because it makes no sense to everyone? NO, because it makes perfect sense and gives people HOPE to live on.
I understand the Bible all too well.

Why is it the biggest selling book of all time? Because most people are sheep - they do what they are told and they believe what they are told to believe. Let me guess - your entire family is Christian and you were raised as a such.

I think most people need to believe in a big brother who will hold their hand through life - I don't. I would rather believe the truth, and the bible certainly isn't the truth, even if there is a god.
I'd vote if I was allowed, Van, it's just that being English you guys don't seem to want me to tell you who's in charge any more... <wink>

Personally I think things would run more smoothly, but there you are...

In addition - I think if an organisation were to start buying LOTR and putting it in every bedside table in every hotel in the world, then you might see a shift in numbers. The bible might be the most bought, but I'd love to see stats on the most READ book in the world... ;)
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I think most people need to believe in a big brother who will hold their hand through life - I don't. I would rather believe the truth, and the bible certainly isn't the truth, even if there is a God.

Care to share your version of the truth?

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]
Maybe. But I think he's afraid of me.
The ignorance of your arrogance..Why would an omnipotent God be afraid of you? No one has more power then God.
I have to be honest - there are three sorts of person who claim vastly superior strength. The first are those who don't know how strong either they or you are. The second are those who fear you. The third are vastly strong people. I tend to meet far more people from categories 1 and 2 than from category 3.