WTB Meatclysm Screenies

"A ginger?" Seriously? You couldn't have picked red, or auburn, or even orange? Ginger? Maybe it's just a holiday season thing and the word was stuck in your head. Maybe it was Goodwone's terrible video (where somehow I was the only one to not have my head fully stick in my 'afro') that had dancing in your head and you imagined me doing a foxtrot with Fred Astaire. But "ginger" ... seriously?

" Maybe it was Goodwone's terrible video (where somehow I was the only one to not have my head fully stick in my 'afro') that had dancing in your head and you imagined me doing a foxtrot with Fred Astaire. But "ginger" ... seriously?

lol. the video made me laugh and the photos were just too good not to do something with......
  • perennial plants having thick branching aromatic rhizomes and leafy reedlike stems
  • dried ground gingerroot
  • pungent rhizome of the common ginger plant; used fresh as a seasoning especially in Asian cookery
  • add ginger to in order to add flavor; "ginger the soup"
  • pep: liveliness and energy; "this tonic is guaranteed to give you more pep"
  • (used especially of hair or fur) having a bright orange-brown color; "a man with gingery hair and bright blue eyes"; "a ginger kitten"

Hmm, ginger kitten ... maybe Mordos was making some oblique reference to Gilgakitty...
Hair lines can be funny things....

They tend recede and people tend to choice to shave their heads. Go figure.

Really I shave my head because I have falicallitus and if I keep my head shaved it does not flare up. otherwise I would have hair... and it use to be red. But no receding hair lines here, just extremly painful ingrown hairs.