Women on the PGA.  Good or bad?

This'll be a touchy, "rage against Ultima Avatar" kind of post...yea!
I, umm, hate to be the bearer of bad news...but I BELIEVE from the reports I've gotten to witness and hear, Annika kinda finished last...SHE CAN'T COMPETE WITH MEN. She should stay with women and be the top with them...not come over to be compared to men and end up in last place...for one, that just is a total blow to feminists around the world. "Oh yeah, men! Take that! A woman CAN too play with men!" "Oh yeah, feminists! Take that! A woman CAN'T stand up against the men!" I mean, geez...so she's a great woman player. That does not give her the right to join up in a MEN'S LEAGUE. That's why we have the NBA, and the WNBA. Women can't leave national basketball alone, so they make up the WNBA. Believe me, you pit the best WNBA team against the worst NBA team, the NBA will come out on top...Why? Well I expect the feminists' answer quite soon.
The reason there is an LPGA is for the, umm, women. I think...I say a man should try and go over to the LPGA and screw them over totally by demanding to be allowed to compete with them...and watch as the man rockets to the top. I wonder why?

I wonder if no one realizes what feminists truly desire...? I know what they want, and any feminist who's researched their origins can tell they are not a dormant, docile organization...they are radically bent on totally overthrowing the traditional layout of this world by switching everything around that can be turned to women, or cancelling anything that can't be...why? Because, as the old saying goes, "Give 'em an inch and they'll take an ell." We gave them the inch (suffrage groups, woman voters, woman in the workplace, woman sports auxiliaries, segregated schooling (started by the men, I acknowledge...and wisely so), etc.) and now we're reaping the ell. Suffrage? Oh geez, watch out. Everything must be "equaled" out by having the woman guarded with the utmost care and superior treatment...how is that equal, again? Woman voters...okay well that's not so bad. They're the other Over50% of people on Earth, so hey. Working women...nuh-uh. Seriously, they should stay at home, but hey...I have no problem with a woman who works. It's great for them. Awesome. But it is the man's job to work, and the woman to take care of the home.
BUT now I expect the gripes: WHAT ABOUT SINGLE MOTHERS, YOU MALE CHAUVINIST PIG (a term that those who use have no idea as to meaning)?! or WHAT ABOUT DEADBEAT HUSBANDS?! or any such excuse. So bring it on. You got a deadbeat husband? Well...motivate him. Women aren't strangers to gophering, crying, whining, begging or leeching...why can't they do it with a deadbeat husband? Take up a job then if your husband sucks that bad. Ask yourself why you married the loser. Discuss it (as a first resort).
Single mothers? Que serra serra. Sorry if you stuck yourself there...real sorry about that. I recommend busting your hump for work. Seriously. This is the case I most recommend that women are allowed to work...I also recomment more of a a family nucleus but let's not get into that this time around, alrighty?
Then came the sports...women weren't content to sit with umbrellas and teacups and watch the tennis tournament...nooooooooooooo. Now they want to be in tennis, swimming, running, lifting, ballgames (not even the sacred baseball is left unscathed...they torture it with softball leagues!), golf, etc. They're not satisfied to let men alone with one thing until they're sure that either men no longer have fun with it, or women smother themselves all over it and thus defile yet another untouched portion of man's pasttimes.
Great for Annika Sorensten or whatever it is...have fun in the LPGA...stay for good now out of the PGA, and warn all your little buddies in the LPGA to do the same...you're supposedly the best they have to offer and then you come in and lose terribly? Test yourself against your companions. Take a ten-year break and see how good you are then against the LPGA.

The reason women are women is because they're not men, and vice versa. There are things men can't do that women, duh, are only able to do. And vice versa. For instance, you WON'T see a titan of a woman. You'll see this statuesque beastly thing that bears resemblance to a woman, but no defining features really. Once you've muscled out a woman, it's just...weird. Muscle out a man, however, it's natural appearing. Why? Because it's the nature of man to sweat out his life and for the woman to take care of the home. It is their NATURE. How many women do you see out there guiding the concrete pourer? How many women to do you see balancing on a steel rail a couple thousand feet off the ground, setting it into place? How many women do you see as CEOs of a company?
Not many. Why? Who knows? But I just BETCHA it's prejudicism! It has to be...there's no other reason for it. Those males and their devious ways. Thieves are what they are! Always stealing something from the totally equal woman...how dare they? HOW DARE THEY?! (The logic of the standard feminist)
There aren't many heavy workers, fighters, farmers, ranchers, heavy machinery operators...why? It's men's work. That's why.
Where is the gripe to get under a 2-ton car and mess around with the muffler? Why is there no outrage for a woman to be able to shove a cinder block into place? Where is the JUSTICE?!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Ultima Avatar @ May 27 2003,4:02)]Then came the sports...women weren't content to sit with umbrellas and teacups and watch the tennis tournament...nooooooooooooo. Now they want to be in tennis, swimming, running, lifting, ballgames (not even the sacred baseball is left unscathed...they torture it with softball leagues!), golf, etc. They're not satisfied to let men alone with one thing until they're sure that either men no longer have fun with it, or women smother themselves all over it and thus defile yet another untouched portion of man's pasttimes.
So just because they are female they can't play sports? They can't even make softball leagues? That seems pretty darn silly to me.

I also don't see why women can't play golf with the men. How does it harm the sport?
Who said they can't play sports? Make up your own, or do it privately amongst friends and family...become the best pro in the world at baseball, just don't go public with it! Spectate. Enjoy. Just stick to your things and leave us ours...
That's all I ask, but I am but one pig in the world, and who's going to listen to my Wilbur squeals?

Women can knock themselves out with women...outside of professional sport. Go to the country club. Play with the grandfather, the dad, the husband, the kids, the neighbor, the friends...just don't step out of a specially made sect for females who are good at golf and demand to be allowed to play with the sect specifically made for men who are good at golf...
So single mothers put themselves there? Well it takes two to tango bub and I have more respect for a woman raising a kid on her own versus the dead beat guy who can't live up to his mistakes or for the women who abort their babies. There are many things a woman can do better than a guy, we each have our own unique character traits but bashing the other sex will not win your argument. Women don't necessarily belong behind a stove.
True...(I knew this would get under skin somewhere along the line)
I dunno...the thing about single moms is this: it's a rising factor. And you said it yourself. Now, most of the time that I've heard of it you become a parent with another parent...most of the time that I've heard about it. I think there was this one case a while back, I dunno. 2000 years or so. Something like that. Anyways, way I read it: this girl somehow becomes the mom of God. Go figure. No man involved either.

I also hear that most of the time the mom tends to be cooperative about the whole messy scenario...I hear. Now granted there are SOME cases where that's not true, but majority of the time: it's a collaborative effort.

And, uh, I also noted that there are things girls do that guys can't. I think I did, anyways. If I didn't, I'll say it: guys can't do things girls can only do, and vice versa. Some things (like the work of the laymen) are intended for guys...and where, again I ask, is the plaitant whine for permission to go out and bust the hump in the sun? Not much, I assure you.
I agree to some rather lengthy extent with Ultima, as seems to be the usual case.

Any single mother under the age of 18, yes, I would say she put herself there (rape being the obvious exception, though precautions can be taken to this as well).

I don't necessarily beleive that sports should be segregated between men and women, and at the same time, I have no problem whatsoever with the fact that they are. That's just how it ended up. By all means, put both genders in one league. Just don't whine when the wrong person wins.

And, of course, the fact that many activist groups want all the privileges and glory with none of the day-to-day responsibility, is, as it always has been, an undeniable wrong. Yes, women can fill many job roles, and I've got no problem with that happening, and accepting women in such roles as equals (so far as the level of skill goes). Take programming for example. I'm sure there are plenty of female programmers and hackers out there (and in case one of you is reading this, my number is...wait...use my e-mail). Those are skills of the mind, and, given enough mental and emotional (*cough!*) stability, anyone can fill them.
I agree mostly with Ultima, but you gotta realize that attitude won't get you very far in this humanist society. There's a reason feminists do what they do. It's not just because they're women, it's because there's a big red guy downstairs that's trying to screw up everything God has established.

And btw, the traditional feminists WANTED men to take their responsibilities and take care of the woman. They HATED abortion. But NO, we can't have any of those OLD-FASHIONED ideas anymore!
I beg to differ with that last one Maxx...traditional feminists had it set with clear intention from the beginning that their end result was the overturn of every possible balance we have set up where it is the traditional male as the head of it. The family, the work, the fun, the life. It is to be in the end woman. That is their ultimate goal, and has been. Abortion, sure, may have changed in the long run, but let's look at it this way: it was bound to happen with feminists. Remember, give em an inch and they'll take an ell.

*Cough* Hacking others' systems is *cough* illegal, Slam.

Programmers, ignore Slam!...I need your alliance with me! Join Ultima Avatar and pave the road to a new tomorrow. My codename is Big Brother. What I want set up is this cool camera system where I can watch you wherever...err, sorry. Letting out Gorabachi-, err, "the Master's" plans for world domination a tad early.

I just wonder if the games even matter all that much. Now that I think about it: who cares? In one hundred years this will be a headstone of history, and some kids are going to be bored stiff downloading this info from the Main System into their neural school chips. I mean, who cares?

I know, Maxx. I know. Being a Christian won't get you too far in this world. I have my own views on as to why, but hey. That's another topic.
And are we so humanist? I think we're more of me-ist. We don't truly care of our fellow man. We'll do what it takes to make us all thrive together, but the moment we've done that, it's every man for himself. In fact, I expect a few lawsuits pretty soon over terming humanity "human" as it is explicit and specie-ist. And feminists are banned altogether for grouping together for one group's sole rise to power.
Really, I think the 20th century will be viewed on later as one of the worst centuries ever had. Something the guy at the New York World at the start of the century thought contrariwise.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]And are we so humanist? I think we're more of me-ist. We don't truly care of our fellow man.
Speak for yourself. You cant even begin to guess at the motives of billions of people you dont even know. You sound like such a whiner Avatar, the world is only as ****** up as you make it, why not try looking at the glass as half full for once.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]t's not just because they're women, it's because there's a big red guy downstairs that's trying to screw up everything God has established.
So... are you saying that feminists are really working for the devil? If so then tell me, so I can ignore your posts from now on, because thats just... paranoid, and more than a little disturbing.
I didn't say that last part, but I would say that most of the world is in the employ of Satan. Perhaps they're not purposefully working to his goals, knowingly and consciously TRYING to do so, but the upsetting of the orders of God is what Satan desires on this mortal plane for sure. And what do feminists do but cause uproar and imbalance? They are there for the express purpose of the overturn of the set orders that we have established. That is their purpose. Sure, also to liberate the everyday woman. That, too. But that's secondary to their agenda.

Actually, I can rather guess at the motives of billions of people, and they are as follows:
1. First come, first serve.
2. Me first.
3. This guy was here before me.
4. I insist, you are treated before me.
5. What's in it for me?
6. Will this please God?
7. Will I look like a total idiot doing this?
8. Will this help me survive?
9. Can this be used to make something?
10. How can I profit off this?
11. This is so boring. What am I doing on this rock?
12. How best can I be heard? Religion? Or money? Hmm.
13. Can I help someone out?
14. Why is nobody helping me out?
15. The world owes me everything.
16. Why should I work?
17. I am in deep debt...I owe everyone something.
18. How can I best please myself?
19. What do I have to do to get rich?
20. I hope I get paid good for this.
21. If this doesn't impress her/him, nothing will.
22. This is really going to hurt...but it'll be worth it.
23. This will definitely turn heads.
24. I need to get out there and earn a living. Now!
25. It's cool to see you work your life off. I'm done!

There. I think I just surmised about six or seven billion worldviews right there and their reasoning for actions. There is no contest to be had against those. You can only add onto it.
That's my half-full right there. And most of them look to me to be fairly negative, but that's up to perspective I suppose. If you think pain is something worthy, go for it. There's your motive. Money's not a motivator? I guess helping has to sub it in. Helping sucks. You want cash? Yeah? Surprise. Go get some in a variety of ways. What? Already earned all the needed cash and excess? Then don't work! Go to Darrowby, Scarborough, Denmark, just leave me alone! What? You want to learn off this codger? Well, sit down and shut up and learn.

They're a smiling bunch to be had. Such is the gift of cynicism: no appreciation of anything remotely good, and that basically means this entire world that we currently dwell in.
And those few that do good for their fellows...well, blessings and goodness to them. A shame the person they help out will in turn go out and get shot over a bad drug deal two minutes later, his girlfriend will commit suicide and their baby will starve, the parents will all mourn, lawsuits will be had. Following that, the rest of the world could care less and will go on turning with or without their existence. They don't matter to me one lick unless I personally knew them. "Girl raped and stabbed to death in Wisconsin." Aww, a crying shame, ain't it? Well, tough. Sorry and a thousand curses on the rapist's/or murderer's head. Now for the rest of us, let life go on. Palestine is upset again, suicide bombs Pizza Hut in Israel? Wow. Earthshaking news there. A Scottish shepherd falls off a hill and breaks neck? Dang. Didn't see that one coming. Chinese guards slaughter Christian missionaries? Surprise! Australian kangaroo starves to death. Portasita.
Get on with life guys. We can all suffer and we can all cry. Or you can look at the couple goods things in life and be dismayed when bad things happen...better just be a cynic.