What would you do if you cought your spouse cheat

I'm not just an ignorant sheep, though.
I have a will, a will to obey or not. A will to love God or not. A will to be a wolf, or to fight the wolves. A will to be a sheep or a shepherd. I am more than just an ignorant punk.
And the price for being a sheep that becomes a shepherd is far over the price for being a wolf, I believe. Attacking something will incite the wrath of the shepherd, you know...and what better Shepherd could you ask for?
"Me, I like my place as a wolf. Rain on my face, wind in my nose and a healthy relationship with my Gods."

And getting attacked and beaten by other male wolves, and starving in the winter... oh yea, that sounds like fun.
Only the challengers get picked on - wolves have tight social order, they're far quicker to organise against outsiders than to pick on their own.

And as for starving in winter, didn't your own Benjamin Franklin say that those who are willing to sacrifice their freedom for a temporary feeling of security deserve neither freedom nor security?

I dunno.. he doesn't seem starved or beaten to me.
Maybe you're just not up to it.
"Self love is not so great a sin as self neglecting."

Will Shakespear - Henry V
I don't like Ben.

As for me not being "up to it", I would love being a wolf (heck, I love wolves), but I know I can't strike out on my own, or I'll be ripped to shreds by some big mean animal. I need a tougher guy to protect me in the long run.

And btw, when Jesus said to be like sheep and referred to wolves as a bad thing, you know he meant that in a sheperd's point of view. Wolves were a menace to sheperds, because they wouldnt be real wolves and hunt wild animals, instead they went after the easy prey-defenseless sheep.

Anyway I like to think of myself as a tough sheep.
Fear the wrath of the Protoss you mean.
Protoss is what it's all about...technology, religion and cool stuff, like the Dark Templar...
StarCraft 2 must come out...beat Brood Wars' last level under 30 minutes and you get a secret level with Zeratul and you eventually learn from Lt. Duran that he is a traitor even to the Zerg and is serving someone far above them. There was a Zerg-Protoss Hybrid in a Stasis Cell......freaky!
Cool, I never got that far yet.
The single player I found very hard for some reason.

And not everyone really knows this, but Zerg are the best race in multiplayer. If you're good you rarely get beaten by toss or terran. Zerg are 1337.
What! Protoss are what it's all about.
Except if you have a fleet of about two hundred Zerglings, mixed with about a dozen or so Hydralisks, nothing stands in your way. Nothing. Also a ton of Overlords to transport them.
But Protoss got Arbiters and Archons and Zealots and Templar.
BUT, Terrans got the Siege Tanks. A dozen of them lined up, and nothing gets past them, especially if you have an extra dozen on the opposite side of them. Wow!
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]
And not everyone really knows this, but Zerg are the best race in multiplayer. If you're good you rarely get beaten by toss or terran. Zerg are 1337.

Maxx, i'm not quite sure what you mean by that.
When you have time, get a good zerg player that you know and have him ladder me on polaris prime. Thanks.
Wow!!! Did the subject ever get changed here...lol I posted a reply and removed it, cause I thought somehow I had been moved to a different topic!!! Guess I'll repost it now that I'm sure I'm in the right place.

I have but one thing to say about the cheating spouse topic. If you have never experienced finding your spouse in bed with another, you don't have a leg to stand on as far as what you "would" do!!! Trust me!
[b said:
Quote[/b] ((ohms)Lady Kajun @ Feb. 20 2003,8:52)]Wow!!!  Did the subject ever get changed here...lol
We here at CGA take pride in our uber-leet topic-changing skillz.
It's true - I have the Mad Topic-Changing Abillz... ;)

And Lady K, you sound as if you speak from experience, is that so?

"What! Protoss are what it's all about."

Well, the race that seemed to win in the end of bw is the zerg... protoss are hiding on shakuras, the admiral kills himself...but the zerg whoop the overminds butt.

"When you have time, get a good zerg player that you know and have him ladder me on polaris prime. Thanks."

I would do so myself, but I'm not experienced enough to dance with a ladder player. Besides, so what if you can beat someone on a specific map. If one race is truly better than the other, then you should be able to own any map.
there is no best race in sc/bw, all of them have been readjusted to be balanced as close as they can be over the course of 5 1/2 years.
if you read my last post, i did not assert any sketchy facts but offered a challenge. so if zergs are the best in multiplayer as you have asserted, surely a good zerg player can beat me on any map, even on polaris prime.
i don't need to beat someone on every single map just to prove my point, one and that's all it takes where as your assertion requires an absolute expectation. i chose polaris prime because it's a standard ladder map used in many tournaments yet it's been underplayed and i personally find that unfortunate.

Lady K, my apologies for contributing in the topic change.
"there is no best race in sc/bw, all of them have been readjusted to be balanced as close as they can be over the course of 5 1/2 years. "
that is probably quite true. However, from my short experience, I've seen zerg kick more butt than any other race. As for playing you, as I am still young, I would propose to be a bad opponent. If I come across a very good zerg player, I'll tell you.