What will he/she do next?

What game will Ewoksrule/Mirakle/Ablaze play next?

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btw... ewoksrule... when would you like me to pick up those crafted items... can you meet me in the Guild Hall... sometime.... tonight?

Can i wait till 12:01 tonight and get some Norn and Asura to help? Maybe some charr too!!

5hrs 50 MINS LEFT!!!!!!
all of the above? at the same time? with his/her eyes closed? and their hands tied behind their backs? while ducktaped to a chair backwards? while eating a steak?

I here by Ban all WoWcrack Addicts from this forum! Ok I won't this is entertaining :p.
...like I am from the claws of Blizzard.
...like Canadian health care.
...like the SoE forums were from spam untill the RedSpammorzVirus attacked.
...like a peanut which is neither a Pea nor a Nut...discuss

The more you know....

Canadian Health Care system being free is a common misconception to those willingly brainwashed by those who proclaim it so. Those who are brainwashed by this ill-concieved propaganda span both north and south of the 49th parallel.

First, for it to be free, the doctors would not be paid for their services. If they are being paid, somebody is paying them. If somebody is paying them, then it can not be providing free health care services. I'm afraid, doctors are being paid, thus, the Canadian Health Care system is not free. So where is the money coming from or do you honestly believe that Canadian doctors provide their services Pro Bono?

Most provinces have a mandated health care premium its citizens pay, and those provinces that don't have a health care premium tend to have higher provincial tax rates their citizens pay. As you can see, our health care is far from free, we pay through government mandated premiums or higher taxes. What the Canadian health care system is free from is choice. We have no choice who we pay our insurance to, who covers us or to go to a private health care system that may be more cost efficient if not cheaper.

...Now you know.

If you'd like any other misconception about the differences between Canada and the USA cleared up, be not afraid to look me up on WoW : Stonemaul server : Toon name Avesther.

I call this "Spam with bite." That is, it is educational.
