What is god?

illegal prophet

New Member
Hey guys, I'm looking for an apologist that would like to discuss the existence of god. To start the discussion, could you give me serveral definitions of your god in the following format:

God is ...
God did (any event) ...

God Is: Rev 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

God did: Gen 1:1   In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.  

God's Love: John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Do you believe Jesus walked this earth? Jesus said that if you see him, you see the father. John 14:9
Thanks CCGR. Could you translate those quotes into layman's terms? Perhaps elaborating on the process of creation, and also on "heaven". Keep in mind that I don't know what god or heaven is, so the more specific and simplistic your explaination, the better chance that I'll understand you.
ok for starters I don't know where God came from, that's not in the Bible but on my list of questions to ask him when I see him.
But regardless, we are here and the Bible says that he is our creator. He spoke the world and living beings into existance. He is the author of our creation he knew all our decisions before we made then, he is all knowing and nothing we do will catch him off guard. He knew he'd have to send his son for us before we came to be. So he is our beginning and our end. He created light, he created darkness. He created it all. And all for his glory. He doesn't "need" us and nothing we can do can make us worthy to be by him. In fact he is repulsed by sin. The only bridge between us and God is Jesus, for through him since he paid our penalty we can enter into Heaven. Heaven is a place with no sin, full of God's light and glory. No more tears, no more suffering. We'll get crowns for our deeds and mansions.

One thing our God cannot do is lie.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]ok for starters I don't know where God came from, that's not in the Bible but on my list of questions to ask him when I see him.
Ok, so maybe God came from somewhere, or maybe God has been here forever.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]He spoke the world and living beings into existance.
By speaking, do you mean metaphorically, or literally by speaking in audio, language form? And did he only create the earth and life on earth, or did he take part in bringing the entire universe into existance?
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]or maybe God has been here forever
Yes it has been stated that God is the alpha and omega. Or in other words first and last meening he has always existed and always will.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]By speaking, do you mean metaphorically, or literally by speaking in audio, language form?  And did he only create the earth and life on earth, or did he take part in bringing the entire universe into existance?
From what I gather from the Bible it meens literally. Look at John 1:1-3 "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made without him nothing was made that has been made." Now further in the chapter you will see how this "Word" is Yeshua (Jesus). Now God exists in three persons called the trinity. It is made up of God the father who is YHVH God the son who is Yeshua and God the spirit who is the Holy Spirit. Much like ourselves we have a body mind and spirit. So although God the Father had a plan, without his physical body he could not have created the world because it had to be spoken in. Just look at the book of Genesis and you will see how God spoke it all into existence. Now as far as how much did he create. I would say he created it all. He created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1:1) There are three heavens. The second heaven would be space. Now as far as heaven goes. Heaven is a reward for those who persevere in following God on this earth. Right now heaven or the heaven that I am talking about is in some unknowen place. However it will eventually float down on earth. I meen it is not on its way when it is here it will just be here. But everything needs to get done first.
Alright, more questions. Anyone can answer, but the answers may vary from person to person so I would need to compile all of the attributes into one complete description of god for each person who answers. Moving on...

Do all people sin?
When did god create the universe?
Would god create something he does not need?
Does god create perfect things?
Does god want people to worship him?
The Bible states that all fall short and sin, except for Jesus

young earthers believe rougly 10,000 years ago, old earthers 100,000 to millions of years ago

He created us to glorify him

perfect hmm trick question.  His creation is perfect if you look at nature, the earth maintains itself.  The way our bodies work is cool and stuff like that.  From a mechanics point I'd say yes.  But the kicker is we have free will.  We can choose to worship him or not.  God could have programmed into us to acknowlege and to worship him.  But methinks it's more meaningful if we discover God and worship him freely.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (illegal prophet @ Dec. 29 2003,4:15)]Do all people sin?
When did god create the universe?
Would god create something he does not need?
Does god create perfect things?
Does god want people to worship him?
Yes all people sin. The only one that did not, was Christ.

Between 6 and 10 thousand years ago

Define need. God doesn't NEED anything. Yet for us to exist, we NEED air.

God can create perfect things. but He decided to create things with free will instead. Makes for a much more interesting time don't you think?

Yes, God wants us to Worship Him.

Also, while speaking of Yawheh, it's the proper form, to capitilize God. It's a singular noun, and a proper name. Good grammer an all, y'know.
heheheh, too bad i was away for 2 days and wasnt able to post on this. on the question on was God there forever is kinda a weird question, another way to look at it is: when did God decide to creat earth?? kinda trick question there but yeah
Derived from what was said...

If heaven is a place with no sin,
And all people sin,
Then there are no people in heaven

What is god composed of(matter, energy, etc)?

I haven't really got a picture of what god is, so anything you can add would help.
ok good points however, all men sin, yet God forgives us for them allowing us to enter into heaven. and God isnt composed of matter or energy exactly. astrologers now are coming to the conclusion that the unverse is so finely tuned for life on this planet alone, that there has to be a being with its own will and power removed from the space-time continuem. in english: everything is so perfectly created that only God could create it. now one other thing, Christianity is the ONLY religion that claims that the only way to heaven is through Jesus. all other religions just leave that space a blank. hope th is helps
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Then there are no people in heaven

Not in the flesh and bone sense of people that you see everyday as you walk down the street. These bodies are contaminated by sin. Our spirit resides in heavan at our death and at some point in the future (as is measured by man in this world), we will have glorified bodies that are not tainted by the sin of this world.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]What is God composed of(matter, energy, etc)?

We are a composition of matter and energy, spirit and knowledge and much more. Likewise Gods composition would be similiar but, on an infinitly grander scale. Of course, that would be limiting God to our understanding of matter and energy and all the like.
Explainations of the composition of god aren't usually very helpful. But it was worth a shot. Any other definitions of god in terms of what it is(all knowing, etc) or in terms of behavior(made earth, etc)? Or maybe an elaboration on the premises that form the foundation of your belief in god?
dang u use big words :p. to me God is God, he always was,is,will be, ever present, all powerful, uses the earth as a footstool for his feet, prolly uses the sun as a butt warmer and a couple other planets as arm rests :p. thats bout all i can think of.
Illegal Prophet, what's your take on Jesus? Do you believe he was here? Do you believe he died or rose again?