Okay, I'm a day late, but I wanted to post a quick update.
I'm still playing Monster Strike and Puzzle & Dragons, though less this week than previously.
Since I'm currently on medical leave, I took the opportunity to start BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea yesterday.
I played the first hour and, to be frank, I was mostly bored and agitated. Playing a BioShock game is so often like walking from point A to point B on a really pretty movie set. The visuals are stunning, but I felt more like a spectator than a participant. Maybe it's just this old curmudgeon of a gamer, but it's easy to see "behind the curtain," so to speak, and recognize just how shallow most of the content is. It doesn't help that the "mentally unstable splicers are creepy, AREN'T THEY SO CREEPY" scare factor just doesn't register any more. Maybe I'm oversensitive in this regard, but games using mental illness as a cheap means for scares and unsettling the player has worn extremely thin and does no good in the discussion regarding mental health. "NPC is crazy and armed, so shoot/kill him/her."
I recognize that the art is very impressive and I understand what the creators are trying to accomplish and I know that so many people poured countless hours of work in to the game, but I can't help but feeling as though it all rings hollow. Maybe I'm just too old for the "move from point A to point B and shoot/bludgeon anything that threatens to impede your progress/kidnap the female character you're protecting" setup.
Maybe I'm among the "gaming elderly" who would rather play Splatoon and mobile games than shoot addicts and the mentally unwell. Maybe I'm disillusioned with an industry that holds up subtractive gameplay, where you remove obstacles by death and dismemberment on a linear quest, as the pinnacle. I'm the first to shout that gaming has so much more to offer than YAMS (Yet Another Military Shooter) and I admit that I still enjoy multiplayer FPS games like Team Fortress 2 for their social and competitive appeal. I guess playing Burial at Sea just took something out of me rather than brightened my day like other games do.
I'm just one person and a bit of an oddity at that so please don't misunderstand. I'm not trying to project my opinions on other gamers or even suggest that the industry should change according to my whims.
I will say that the older I get, the more glad I am that Nintendo is still around. I think even the most vocal Nintendo naysayers will admit the industry would be worse off without Nintendo.
Man, I typed out a lot more than I planned. I'm going to go play some Splatoon then rest up while I can.