[Weekly - F/Sa] Week In Review

TIL (Today I Learned) that I never want to own a rental property. Source: @ursen

So I returned to a full work week starting Monday after taking 4 days off last week to, well, work even harder than I do at work. The clean-cation (as we took to calling it) was productive, but a week later and I'm already starting to twitch when I look around the house and can't unload the kids and stay home from work to go on a CLEANING RAMPAGE. Having a sore throat and a mild crud didn't help, but I believe I'm (almost) over it now.

Work was, again, relatively light (especially compared to intensive cleaning for 4 days straight), but upcoming projects almost guarantee that will change soon.

Renewed my driver's license. Got a haircut so I don't look like a mad scientist any more.

Kids are healthy. Older child's last day of school is Monday. Summer (as defined by the end of the school year) starts Tuesday! @Ember and I are hoping this will allow us more time to work on the house. We shall see.

Missing PC gaming and hoping to play some Overwatch before the weekend's over. Paging @BananaGirl and @The Mighty Gerbil in case they're available for a few rounds tonight or tomorrow night. :D
Rental property, rental property, ER until 4:00AM, rental property, rental property, loan for rental property, and my son called yesterday to say he is coming in today for an overnight stay to treat us to dinner so crash rush house cleaning which hasn't been done because of RENTAL PROPERTY.
how many rentals do you have again? i thought it was just the one house and you were planning on getting rid of it?
Just one, not getting rid of it. It has just been a huge time sink for the last week, and pushing our health boundaries. Sons visit went well, I paid for the dinner he was treating us to. Loan went through and getting ready to go into high gear on getting RENTAL PROPERTY ready.
It's been a bit of a long week here.
So on Monday of last week my car (after acting funny all week) broke at 6 am on the on ramp to the highway so my mom had to come and pick me up and I borrowed my parents car to get to work.
After getting it towed home, then to a shop, found out a few days later that the transmission is shot and it's more to replace it than the car is worth. so I spent most of the week looking at cars.
After much looking and praying and discussing with parents (and headdesking) today we finally found a really nice one in my price range. We go up there (about an hour thirty drive) and test drive it, look it over, and decide to buy it. Except the guy has had break-ins in near his apartment and doesn't want to keep the cash in his house but wants to take it directly to the bank and go to the DMV in person to sign over the title....on Monday. which mean I now need to try and get half of Monday off and my mom has to drive me and my brother up there to do it (and then have my brother drive it home for me cause i'm a chicken when it comes to the larger freeways and city's :p )
it's a really nice car and I'm super excited, but I also realllllly can't wait for this to be over with.
Growing up and being an adult is silly XD.
Anyhoo, enough complaining from me ;)
which mean I now need to try and get half of Monday off and my mom has to drive me and my brother up there to do it (and then have my brother drive it home for me cause i'm a chicken when it comes to the larger freeways and city's :p )
it's a really nice car and I'm super excited, but I also realllllly can't wait for this to be over with.
Car shopping is a special kind of torture. Believe me when I say I sympathize.

If you get a chance and you think of it, let us know how it goes on Monday.
Of course you could do it the way I did. Wait until the end of the year, find a vehicle ya like at the dealership. Then wait until the last hour of the year and give them a fair but low price off of what they ask. They will want it out of the new years inventory and will really deal with you.
So...... I went through a "Be the Entrepreneur Bootcamp" in my local community. We're developing a pretty sophisticated SAAS and we had an opportunity to work through small business development agencies, pitch it venture capitalists, etc.

It was a pretty intense week, 8am-9pm each week and we had "homework" each night to run through.

It was a great opportunity and really helped us develop our product more.

But I'm exhausted. socially waaaaay too much and too many people T_T
Graduated (again) last weekend. My family came in to surprise me. Great surprise. Parents, grandma, and brother. Was great to have a few days with them. Between guests and graduation itself, I was pretty socially and emotionally drained up through Wednesday. Finally back on the ball.

Nothing too crazy this week, but we're (ie, mostly my wife while I'm at work) slowly working on getting stuff out of our apartment and making initial staging of packing for our upcoming move. The shipping containers get here four weeks from today. Crazy. :o

I'm just working now. Trying to get as much done for the seminary as I can before I go. My boss isn't going anywhere, so it's not like they'll be in a bad way, but I still want to contribute while I can...and set aside some money for the move and beyond.

Made it out to a friend's to play Magic this week, even. That was nice.

A low-key week this side of Tuesday, really. Red Five is now four months old. We found out yesterday that he loves to play lightsaber sounds. haha I give him my thumbs to hold like a hilt, move his hands about, and make "VRRUUUUUUUU" noises. He thinks it's hilarious. A definite Daddy Win.
I survived.

And I'm on day 3 of a Z-pack.

More to come when I'm not posting from a phone.
One more trip to the RENTAL PROPERTY. Still bleeding money on it, just not as bad, the wound is almost staunched. An unexpected expense, the water heater went bad, so replaced the 50 gallon with two 55 gallon tanks. We will never ever, NEVER run out of hot water there. One for upstairs, one for down, set so if either goes bad can switch over to the other while replacing the bad one. Lot's and lots of driving, and the dogs get lotsa doggie spa time. Monday was a good thoughtful day, was able to visit her Mother, Father, and brother's grave so we had a good day there. Just gotta add, God is good. On the first paid all bills and the extra house expenses and had some left over. Enough to help someone in need, and still have enough for a couple of weeks left over. God blesses us over and over.
It was a long week.....

Its been an interesting balance of knowing God is asking me to change up my business but then watch some relationships in my business go away, but knowing this really is how God is moving things forward.

Its always hard to let go of things that God is asking us for. But the sooner I embrace the cross that is shown before, I guess the faster things progress :)

had a great evening with my small group. really moving forward and drawing things deeper, but that meant going to bed at 1:30am :D

Its nice being with college students. They help me feel young XD
Wow. This week. Well...

While I may be the most exhausted I have ever been due to doing to much all at once. Being tested like this has shown me that I am capable of a lot more than I realized!

Started to read some new books which have been really great! They have challenged me in ways I didn't know I was lacking strength. While this week may have been a much needed push towards new areas of reformation I certainly am growing greatly.

As of gaming... well.. I mean I haven't really been playing. Watched a lot of Rurouni Kenshin. Good show :D
Ok get ready for a wall o'text. Monday was da BIG day, had a 3 way teleconference on one of my VA appeals. That is with my judge (in DC), my lawyer in another city and me. The appeal went well even though I felt like I was flying by the seat of my pants. I will be getting a new Compensation and Pension hearing in a few weeks to establish new information on my claim. Yay! To put da icing on da cake when we were over I had just left the VA office when someone chased me down and told me the office director needed to see me. Thinking, "Great now what did I do?" I went back and there was a small ceremony and I received a pin and certificate for my Vietnam era service, and this lady was also a vet and said "Welcome home brother". My wife was tearing up and so was I. I have waited for years for acknowledgement that even though I didn't go there, I still served and supported my country in a time when you could be hated for wearing the uniform. It was a tough and complex time to serve, and left scars on all service members serving at that time. Now all service members from 1955 to 1975 are to be officially recognized for their service. Long time coming. Next my son called and told us he was coming in Friday and leaving Saturday. We actually had a few extra hours before he flew back. It was my Father's Day visit early, and he really, really paid for a meal at Long John Silver's. It meant the world to me. He has never visited for Father's Day or even sent a card before, the best I could hope for was a call. So a fantastic week. God puts us up on the mountain top when we least expect it, may His name be praised.
This week it was officially announced that a member of my team at work put in his notice and will be leaving next Friday. It doesn't immediately affect me, though it means we're down one person in the city where I work. (The outgoing tech covers a different city.) It's looking more and more likely that work will ramp up significantly in early July and not settle down until December.

The family continues to enjoy good health. @Ember and I are still praying for the day our younger child sleeps through the night and that God will keep us functional in the meantime.

Being a dad continues to be a wonderfully rewarding and wonderfully exhausting job. The older child has a race this weekend and we've been running at a nearby track together to prepare for the event. I definitely feel the results of a high-impact workout the next day, but I'm holding in there.

Weather has been hot hot hot. God bless the man or woman that invented remote start. It's a wonderful luxury for anyone, but especially for field techs.

I'm still alive. God is good. Family is safe and healthy.
Just got back from taking 20 college students camping O_O

I'm pretty exhausted, but wife and I had a blast taking the students there. I fished for the first time in years.

Not ready for the coming week. Work has been intense, and could be a lot better.
Splitting my time between break/fix tickets, requests, and hardware refresh is starting to wear on me at work. But I'll probably remain this busy for the next 3 months. At least Monday should be calmer with so many people on vacation for July 4th on Tuesday. Should give me time to catch up on "paperwork" (all digital, still tedious) and shipping old junk out.

Cramming work days as full as I can also leaves me out of steam when I get home most days. Combined with bedtime being a battle most nights and sometimes falling asleep while getting the children to sleep, I have not spent much time working on the house lately. I'm hoping to remedy that as soon as I wrap up this post. I adore my kids, but I've never seen 2 humans trash a living room without malicious intent with the finely tuned efficiency of my daughters.

Zelda: Breath of the Wild is AMAZING, which doesn't help motivate me to clean my house. I cleared a significant milestone in the game last night (no spoilers!) and I also filled in the entire map. Huzzah! But now I need to put the game aside, clean, and go to a free concert (which should be fun!) tonight.

So life is full, hectic, and good. God is great. I love my family. We pay the bills and we have food, shelter, and broadband Internet. (Priorities, right?) But wow, I'd love a break. Nevertheless, the march onward continues!
Well the gutter in our home was broken and it flooded the house about a month ago. Man I even slip from the top to the bottom(well almost) of the stairs. Praise God that I didn't need to go to the hospital. Fast forward this week, the gutter have a leak and the person who installed the gutter is hard to find T_T. But I think I fixed the leak now or at least minimized it to droplets. Still the gutter isn't installed properly as water is being accumulated on it. I wipe the water out a few times already but it's rainy season here. I called someone to estimate the charges but didn't came. The estimator said he didn't come over because of hard rain. I really had a hard time believing that as I set a time in which the meeting should had set and the time it rain is not the same. The rain started after the time I said I'll wait =_=. In the end I really think I will just fix the gutter myself. Maybe doing the easy way out by drilling a hole in the gutter and leave it as is. But I probably will install an additional downspout if people here insist. me and my gutter problem XD.

Downloaded SC2 from blizzard. I can't believe it's was 32gb!!!! I assumed it was about 1 or 2 gb XD
. Was very entertaining and help relieve a lot of stress. It was hard and I guess I'm not/never good at micro ing. I can't believe ai is beating me. I think I can only beat ai(hard and up) when I kill them fast. I have no chance when we are both in the limit. I guess I need to learn a lot of things if I want to be competitive. there is a want in buying the campaigns now XD
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been a good week. a bit of a reprieve from work but still good producitivty.

I think what I've been trying to consider most is what is important in the day and trying to lean away from some bad time habits i've developed.

that and reconciling a few things in life, e.g. still trying to get closer with people our age but sometimes... they or we are really boring T_T

Its also been a bit hard with my business. things havent moved very quickly in the last month and kind of tired of near month to month living. really hoping I'm making the right decisions. I know I'm on the right path and obedience to God, I just don't like the feeling that I'm spinning my wheels most days.
So, I'm now living in Spokane, WA. Two weeks ago, we moved from Grand Rapids by car. Took nearly a full week because baby. We had our stuff shipped to us by U-Haul rather than drive it, and it gets here a week from now.

In the meantime, I'm with waifu and kiddo in Portland to see family. Also, just met up with an e-bro who moved out here just after I left. That was cool stuff.

No job yet, but not sure where time for finding one was supposed to be. Did finally proof and submit my proofed copy of my thesis, though.

Been doing a bit of work around the house we're staying at. Nice place, but mother in law doesn't really live there, so there is some.upkeep and cleaning we're doing before our stuff gets here.

Oh, and if the internet I signed up for (limited options are the worst) can handle it, my old boss is going to let me do contract work for a bit. Huzzah!