We need more admins.

[b said:
Quote[/b] (ToJ | Dead_Aim @ Mar. 10 2004,11:11)]Windowed CS makes me sick, boo to Tek no one listen to him.
Well, I don't use it for playing CS, I use it for watching CS.

And I'm running an AMD Athlon XP 2600+ with 768MB RAM, so I can get away with it.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Atown @ Mar. 15 2004,11:59)].... -_- y watch when u can play it?
Because I usually pick up a game of Onslaught or Natural Selection if I have time to play games. My time on the ToJ server is usually spent kicking and banning rowdy players or recklessly slapping ToJ members during Fun Nights (speaking of which, we need another Fun Night).
