was watchin the mole rat cam and one was sleepin for like a minute, and thats all there was, and all of a sudden one came charging out of a tunnel and pummeled the sleeping one, and then kept goin around the tunnels and charging him again and again until he woke up

it was kinda funny

this is why being short is sometimes the greatest thing ever
That's correct, it's actually π

some one say PI?

some one say PI?


Well...that's an approximation. You could be a bit more precise, though...

I couldn't get any more numbers out of my calculator.

Then I remembered ther was a site that had it to the 1 millionth but it doesn't do that anymore.

this is why being short is sometimes the greatest thing ever

I still have to say... (and forgive me for it...) gnomes are midgets... Whenever i have tried alliance... i end up having some... 12 year old kid bug me... or... some 10 year old kid with a foul mouth try and out swear everyone in the area.... or... just the common spammer... which i really CAN NOT STAND!!!


despite all that i hold against the alliance (and trust me... i hold alot against them...) that really is an awesome picture... props.... haha.