Update on Raiding

I am not making a special effort to be on at raid times because I am not on the team.

If you are short on healers and know ahead of time I can schedule time.
Raid Make-up – We are implementing a new way of running raids as far as invites go. We will be organizing pre-determined raid teams to run together on specific days. We will create 1 dedicated raid team to start with 13-15 members and create new raid teams as more geared and capable people come into the raiding scene.

Just reading what it says....
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team 2 isn't far behind from being formed just FYI. since team1 is running wed/fri/sun team2 would run tues/thur/mon. as soon as we get enough people coming on those days for team2 ill put a RL with them and make it official. we're gonna try to get team2 going asap and i kno some people from team1 have offered to help get it started by running with their alts who are also geared enough to raid. obv mains>alts but we want to get people up and raiding.
The days are not the issue for me. I can make most days work. 6 PM is family dinner time. I can move it every so often.
i would like to put in for team 2 and would vote for a 7p server start time, but i know i'm west coast guy. 6 is very difficult on families imho. just saying

also, who is the class lead or the person to talk to about Pally tanking? i am sure i need some coaching sense coming back and would like to get w/ them on forging and situational rotations and all.

Finally, thx fo Fierce for his work in setting up teams. this is a thankless job and in fact is one that gets peeps ticked at you and i'm thankful for your leadership here.
Go Team Jacob!!!
also, who is the class lead or the person to talk to about Pally tanking? i am sure i need some coaching sense coming back and would like to get w/ them on forging and situational rotations and all.

Finally, thx fo Fierce for his work in setting up teams. this is a thankless job and in fact is one that gets peeps ticked at you and i'm thankful for your leadership here.
Go Team Jacob!!!

We don't actually have class leaders anymore and I'm not sure who raid tanks but elitistjerks has good info up. I was reading it last night and because of this holy power nonsense its a priority system and not a rotation really. Also mastery is sweet from what I read.
Kracer/Epik and Echelon both have been pally tanking so feel free to ask them im sure they would give you some helpful advice :)
The days are not the issue for me. I can make most days work. 6 PM is family dinner time. I can move it every so often.

That can be worked out with whoever takes the lead for Team 2. I'm currently working on putting that team together and choosing a leader for it. I hope to have it settled by this week or the next.

To Icthus, Lloren and any other concerned with being "left out" of Team 1. I made a general announcement in vent last night for those who were on which I will sum up shortly. People were not chosen for Team 1 based on either being better fitted to benefit Team 2 or because I did not see them consistently showing up at the current raid times. I hold no fault against people who prioritize RL over raiding, but at the same time, the raid times for Team 1 are what they are and if you can't make them, then that's why I'm making multiple teams that can fit everyone's needs (hopefully).

I'm also trying to make teams that can get just as far as the other ones. Meaning, I'm not keeping people off of a team because I don't like them or think they're bad. I'm trying to make a good balance based on availability, skill, class-specific continuity, and overall awesomeness.

We don't actually have class leaders anymore and I'm not sure who raid tanks but elitistjerks has good info up.


Find someone in the guild that you know raids a bit for that particular class/role.

And most of us (myself included) use Elitist Jerks religiously because, matter of fact, WoW is their religion. :P
^----- doesn't feel left out.

To be honest. I can't raid consistently so I would be doing any team a disservice by committing to a time slot. I know you already have a great group going already, but rather if you had a need for heals (someone say ' I can't make it.. blah blah.. washing my hair') PM me and I'll make it.
thx y'all. i'm already looking there and feel i have the holy power pretty well worked out. there are spells and situations i could use some coaching with that involve the "finer" points of prot pally..example: when do you use guardian? Divine protection or Ardent defender? that type of stuff...
I will try to hook up with the above mentioned and then try to get in some random heroics...

here is one suggestion for this team stuff. i know running rookies thru the Heroics is a drag, but if team one and those who know the fights could take some time to run less skilled players thru (as you have been doing and really did last nite) that is very helpful.
thx y'all for the input!

BTW, this is not a complaint. i find folks very helpful, so pls do not take it that way...thx!