TV Shows on DVD

I need to know (as soon as possible) where I can download (what torrent site) single episodes of Battlestar Galactica and Firefly. I need to do a test run very soon before I go and purchase a set. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It's not piracy in the slightest. I get the Sci-fi Channel and therefore television broadcasts are bought and paid for, whether I watch it when it airs or later. :)
It's not piracy in the slightest. I get the Sci-fi Channel and therefore television broadcasts are bought and paid for, whether I watch it when it airs or later.
Yeah, I know. I just wanted to make my statement so that I might not get chewed out down the road. =D
Some places like Blockbuster and Rogers Video rent like three or four epidsodes of a tv series for the same price as a regular movie. You could try renting them if you like.

SirThom said:
Any season of 24 is good. Can't wait for season 5 in January.

I must agree.

My other favorite TV shows (That I watch weekly) (And don't laugh!!)

The Office (US)
Veronica Mars
24 (Coming January ^_^)
and a few others
Well, got my single episode downloaded but all I can get to play is audio through Windows Media Player and WinAmp. What can I use to play this sucker?

Here's what the file name looks like:


Edit: Nevermind. I remembered DivX, downloaded it and the file plays just fine.
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HMMM my most favorite is Alias,rumor has it this is the last year, and I enjoy Lost as well. Whoever had Monk on their list forgot The Deadzone which is a bit more sci-fi. From a ladies perspective I enjoy SG1, SG Atlantis, and BattleStar but with my work schedule and such haven't been able to keep up even trying to record it I got behind. Atlantis is an easy one to start with and for me Battlestar is a bit hard to follow at times but one of the older ladies at my job just loves it. CSI anything especially the first one is great as well. Also you could always go back to some of the oldies but depending on your age and tech ability you may not enjoy them as well.

Pilgrim said:
Some places like Blockbuster and Rogers Video rent like three or four epidsodes of a tv series for the same price as a regular movie. You could try renting them if you like.

I must agree.

My other favorite TV shows (That I watch weekly) (And don't laugh!!)

The Office (US)
Veronica Mars
24 (Coming January ^_^)
and a few others

"lafs at the oc" ;)
Pilgrim said:
Some places like Blockbuster and Rogers Video rent like three or four epidsodes of a tv series for the same price as a regular movie. You could try renting them if you like.

I must agree.

My other favorite TV shows (That I watch weekly) (And don't laugh!!)

The Office (US)
Veronica Mars
24 (Coming January ^_^)
and a few others

im not tring to be rude but isent the oc a girl/prep show?
If you're the type of person who likes to generalize and stereotype others, sure it's a girly prep show. By that I mean, it's biggest demographic is probably teenage girls.
Mr_Slice said:
If you're the type of person who likes to generalize and stereotype others, sure it's a girly prep show. By that I mean, it's biggest demographic is probably teenage girls.

Yup, I agree.
I didn't read all the post so sorry if any have already posted this. The West Wing DvD series is awesome. Also if your into Anime, then Id recomend "please teacher". Oh and the ST: DS9 series is good too. I may be biased on the star trek one though cause I grew up w/ DS9.
I just purchased Season One of Alias today. Best Buy had it for $20 less than everyone else's price, so I'm taking a chance. I also sampled some episodes of Lost last night and came away extremely impressed. I'll definitely be getting that. If I come across the cash, Battlestar Galactica will be next. Thanks for all of your suggestions!