Truth for youth comics

I don't have a problem with the idea, but this particular one I think would do more harm than good to children who read it. It perpetuates an "us versus them" attitude, and steryotypes to the point of untruth what non christians are. The athiest abuses women, the homosexual abuses drugs, the secular rock group are satan worshippers, the athiest teacher looks crazy and is portrayed as hating all Christians just for the heck of it. Every non-Christian either gets converted or turns evil at the end. The false impressions of the world and the bigotry I fear will be propagated against the "nonbelievers" concerns me, and this is a perfect example.
The Jesuists used to say "Give me a child until his seventh birthday and he will be mine for the rest of his life."

This is a classic example - perhaps shorter on the vitriol than Chick.

I notice, for example, that the section on Evolution still has that outdated crap about the living mollusc that was dated at 3,000 years old - it took me exactly 20 minutes with nothing more sophisticated than an Internet search engine to rebutt that - I imagine that the rest of their "truth" is as well researched...

Good point Mustard. I know many great people that are not Christian...many who have a bigger heart than some "practicing" Christians I know.
That's some lousy HTML/Javascript on that site.. the rollover buttons don't seem to work too well with this comp, and I had a nightmare trying to actually read any of the comics.. but I did get to take a look at two of them: the only two that would load, 'Pornography' and 'School Violence'.

The first said practically nothing; God is good. Porn is bad. Obey God and don't look at porn.

The second one was the usual "Prayer in schools will prevent violence" thing. This strikes me as pretty silly... by exactly what means is it supposed to do so?
You gotta get in with the "Goodspeak" here, Kohael... The minute anyone starts getting all cute about "The Truth" you just know they're setting you up for the biggest lie they can tell you... <sighs>

"The first said practically nothing;  God is good.  Porn is bad.  Obey God and don't look at porn.  "

Apparently you didnt read the part about how porn affect sthe way you handle relationships, something I can testify to.
Dude, pro-wrestling can affect the way you handle relationships if you don't keep it in proportion.

You've either got that sort of relationship, or you don't.

"Dude, pro-wrestling can affect the way you handle relationships if you don't keep it in proportion."

Really? Maybe the fact that the divorce rate is 61% should give one the idea that something is amiss in the way we think about love? Maybe...just maybe pornagraphy is part of the problem?
Actually the problem is the number of kids getting married chasing their parents expectations and definitions of relationships.

Relationships pursued later in life are far more stable - when we're actually looking at what WE want and expect from a relationship. And when we've got more experience.

Love the rock music one. Haven't had that good of a laugh since my last visit to Jack Chick's site. Thought they'd leave rock alone by now huh?

Why don't they have a AD&D one? That's a missed entertainment opportunity. I love reading about how every time I roll the dice another demon shows up to possess me.

BTW, if AD&D is really a demon-summoning tool, what about, say, the game system used in Morrowind? It's more expansive and flexible than AD&D... so it's probably Satan... GAAAAAAAH!!! HELP ME JESUS!!! I'VE GOT SATAN ON MY HARD DRIVE!!!!!


Phew. I'm saved.

EDIT: FYI, in the Rock Music cartoon the lead singer of the band is a nearly carbon copy of DC Comics' Main Man, Lobo. Do I see Dawg in the background, too? Heeh. I should drop a line to DC for this ripoff and see what happens
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Relationships pursued later in life are far more stable - when we're actually looking at what WE want and expect from a relationship. And when we've got more experience.

Maybe in theory. I've been married since I was 18 with no problems.(almost 8 years) Maybe its how you go into a marriage and where your heart is when you enter it...

For sure, man. I'm not here to diss anybody's marriage, I'm just talking statistical trends.

Too many peeps getting married when they don't even know themselves, never mind the person they get hitched too.

nah, I didn't think you were dis'n marriage, I just know that if you go into it for the right reasons (and your right that most young people don't) then it has more favorable odds then those who do it without putting thought into it. Marriage is da'bomb tho.

I see no problem with AD&D as long as you remember its a game
I play WoT RPG, another d20 game, almost carbon copy of D&D but set in the Wheel of Time fact, one of the other players i play it with is christian...rpgs are fun - the people that hate them are usually mothers whose kids have gone over the edge, which u can do with anything..even, say, bulletin boards.......?
I got sick of reading them.
The rock one: Madonna Dahmer and the Death Squad. Marilyn Manson anyone? "Beauty is death and death is beauty." Marily Monroe, Charlse Manson, Madonna and Jeffry Dahmer? A link with them?
It was pretty gay. I thought the divorce rate was 50%....has it escalated 11% when I wasn't looking?!
Marriage is a great thing: a shame it's all going away.
Here's an interesting question posed in my class: "IF most men want to marry virgins, and most of those men aren't virgins: what's happening to all the virgins? Soon there'll be none left!" Hmmmmm. True?
I would strongly advise AGAINST marrying a Virgin, peeps. You want your marriage to last forever, right? You want to remain monogamous within it, right? Then why do you not want to find out about your lifepartners hangups, fetishes and appetites until AFTER you get married?
