ToC10/25 and/or ICC-10

4.4K GS is sufficient for the first four bosses. We actually had two subs the other night that are around that level and we one-shot the first quadrant and one-shot Festergut...
After running ICC-25 last night up to the Professor I think I can handle myself for those first 6 fights now - sadly we wiped on the Prof because I let the orange bubble touch me. It may have been the time (2:45 a.m.) and/or fatigue but now that I know I sure will be a lot more alert to those blobby boogers! I was able to keep my dps respectable (just above 5k) so I didn't embarrass you Anita. Also being 5.1 gs helps after getting a drop on the first boss. ICC is fantastic - just loving the fights and intensity in there! I am also really starting to like wow heroes more than the gear score addon, it takes into account the gems slotted, enchants and such. (thanks Adam!)

Now I am looking forward to doing these runs with more TF people :D
We've had a bit of a shakeup of our normal layout of people. We seem to have picked up some subs that need a bit of gearing attention, so I am hopeful that y'all are patient.
Very nice job on taking down Professor Putricide! Between the gearing that people have done (both in and out of the raid) and the DPS/healing/tanking changes in 4.0.1, I think we're having a very positive direction in the DPS of the group, meaning that I think we're finally ready to start tackling the more difficult raid bosses in ICC. :)

I also appreciate the encouragement to suck at tanking more (all in good fun, as I was the suck tank for the encounter :D ).
Grats to all on the most recent run as well! I have been quite frustrated that for the last month I haven't been able to make the guild run but hope this next weekend to be able to join in the fun. I will actually be in town and not leading worship (we have 3 services; 2 of which I lead so Sundays are beyond busy when I'm on) but the inlaws are now thinking of coming for the long weekend.

Nothing gains you knowledge better than application - I absolutely love that so many guild members are getting more than just a taste of ICC and really getting familiar with the bosses!
And again, a great night in ICC tonight. We tackled Blood Council (1 shot!) and took three tries at Blood Queen and defeated her. Then we walked over to Sindragosa and got her down to 32% on our very first attempt. Next week we'll work on Sindy. :)
It was definitely a great run tonight. I am looking forward to downing Sindragosa and moving on to the Lich King
Tonight was a good night... We had a bit of learning on Sindragosa, but alas she is DEAD!!! We'll be on the Lich King next week.. Looking forward to seeing how far we can take him in one night... We'll work on him hopefully til he's dead :)
Despite having only one tank for about 20% of the fight, we got her down. :) Great job to all involved, and thank you very much to the non-regular TFers (Clearn and Zennen) who stepped up to the plate to help us take her down!
Well we had a fun night with the Lich King. Our best for the night was down to 60%. With some bloopers it was a very fun night. We have a bit of timing work to get down on second phase, but we seamlessly made it into phase two almost every try (bloopers excluded) but for our first night actually working on him we didn't do to poorly. Thanks to the TF members and others who filled in for our regulars who couldn't make it.. This is very exciting and I can't wait to try him more....
Didn't we get him to 52% on try 3 then 60% one other time? Regardless, it was fun, people got to see the fight and learn the first 2 phases, good times!!
Well, we didn't do as consistently well this week as last. As announced in tonight's raid, we're no longer leading it as 1) we'll be leveling in Cataclysm soon, and 2) we're no longer in TF. Best of luck to y'all!