Thunderhead Keep Tuesday 9 EsT

dorkelf said:
Amen to that - we did a SF fighting-farm run last night headed up by Scillion who is an EXCELLENT MONK. Arks Lina and Sleeping Princess and some very excellent ranger who I forget were in the party too, and what a great group! We were drawing monsters carefully and almost never over-aggroed - we were all on TS and we accomplished some of the best strategic fighting I have EVER seen in the game. Few of us died more than once all the way through the place. Killed like 5-6 bosses by the end, a little slow going and few good drops but it was so much fun! I just love doing stuff with my fellow guildies, makes me never want to do a PUG again.


I agree the SF run was great. We hardly were overwhelmed too much and got through the furnace fine. :D