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Atown is switching with me so,

Adam Atown Jones = 01:00AM - 02:00AM EST (10:00PM - 11:00PM PST )
Jessica Starr Kluth = 12:00AM - 01:00AM EST (09:00PM - 10:00PM PST )

So......YAAAAY! ^_~ \/ Peace Out!

Atown is switching with me so,

Adam Atown Jones = 01:00AM - 02:00AM EST (10:00PM - 11:00PM PST )
Jessica Starr Kluth = 12:00AM - 01:00AM EST (09:00PM - 10:00PM PST )

So......YAAAAY! ^_~ \/ Peace Out!


We still have some gaps pretty large gaps in there (2-8a, 2:30-6p, etc.) -- let's see if we can't fill those in. Saturday is the big day!
The House of GOD!!

Hello my Brothers and Sisters, Let us all Pray as One on and Rejoice in our Heavenly Fathers Name, AMEN

Genesis 28:22
and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God's house, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth."
ok ive went back and got all the times together again Tek can you pleae take an hour instead of 30 minutes please so we wont have a 30 minute break in there?????

So far we have
12a-1a Starfire
1a-2a atown
2a-8a open........maybe our germany friend blackbeard can fill some of this time????

8a-9a genesis
9a-10a notashamed
10 a-11a open
11a to 12p ember
1130a-1230p??? tek
1230p-130 p shyfroggy
130p - 230 p babo
230p-6 p more open time
6p to 7-p pastorwhirl
7p to 10p open again
1030p-12a i will probably take this spot unless someone else would rather have it

With such a large community of over 1000 accounts and probably at least 500of them actively posting or at least spamming, you would think that more people would be willing to show enough of their Christian faith to actually participate. It really is easy to say you're praying or to even just spam every day, but to actually committ to pray for a specific time and keep your word in front of fellow believers as well as God above I guess must be too difficult.

Weird thing to me is even earlier this year when I pretty much lost all hope and close to all of my faith, HE still heard me when I cried out for help and HE still wouldn't let me walk away from HIM.

i woulda taken a spot but my brother and sister never leave me alone until we go to bed, and i cant tell u when that will be so i have no definite time to pray or else i would. i wish i coudla taken a 10-11 but i cant now T.T.
Thank you to those of you who actually took a few minutes out of your day to help with this event. It is a bit disappointing that soo few people helped out this year and for the first time the 24 hour goal was not met. I wish God's greatest blessings on those of you who answered the call to participate. Feel free to share them with me and keep us posted in the Prayer and Praise area. Please keep your eyes open for other events to come.


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