Let me elaborate.
Gravity for instance, anything will naturally fall to the largest (by far) object and smaller bodies modify the fall path, and in making the universe, there is no need for God to create a separate mechanic which makes things fall a certain way. Did God create gravity? Yes and no. Creating the universe = creating gravity, no need to modify anything though. Or maybe it was already taken into account when stuff was first made and so no need to modify further. Unless you're saying naturally things fell AWAY from the earth and we'd be floating around by natural laws of physics, and there was a need to create a special thing to make us sink.
Also, doesn't matter, so long as you believe God is in control, I don't care if you take things literally (7 days) or figuratively (7 acts) so long as you ain't saying the Bible is incorrect. I'm not going to support one view as more 'correct' over the other, I believe a mix of both.
Therefore in closing, God created everything, but how is up to debate. He did create gravity, sin, time, and every thing that is not a thing that allow us lesser beings to wrap our minds around how the universe works but perhaps not directly. Since gravity wouldn't exist without any object at all, in creating something out of nothing, gravity was created - or not.
I still can't grasp the concept of what happened BEFORE day/act 1 in the bible though. Maybe because my mind is wrapped on finite things, and not on eternal things. Need a new brain to understand that.