The person below me...

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False. I'd rather have a kitten though. =P

The person below me can't wait to be done with this semester and go home and relax. ^_^
The person below me knows where the phrase "SPOOOOON!!!" comes from and has used it in a macro at some point.

<Skips everyone and responds to this>

True... in real life! Go go Angry Beavers!!

The person below me would not stick their head out of a car and scream "SPOOOOOON" to people on the sidewalk.
False. I just had a cheesesteak and mozzarella sticks and boy am I stuffed. I hadn't eaten all day by the way....except for a croissant. X_X

The person below me want to be done with the work they are doing so they can go back home and crawl into pjs and just relax. T_T
False. I haven't worn PJs since I was a child.

The person below me knows almost all of the lines of Star Trek II, The Wrath of Khan.
False, I wish I had that much screen realestate.

The person below me has played Wow on a 15" or smaller screen.
False one the small but true on the large, and Treebranch has used a 53" wide screen flat panel TV to play.

The person below me has more than 800 gold.
False. If I did, then Heavencent would already have her epic mount, which she doesn't.

The person below me knows all the lyrics to their favorite band's/artist's songs.
True, the fear has receded in recent years however.

The person below me wants to build their own computer eventually.
True. I have always upgraded my machines, but I've never started from scratch.

The person below me has been deep-sea fishing.
True a long time ago. It was overrated on my trip. But, I understand the smaller trips are quite cool.

The person below me has seen a fish as big as them.
True. Long Beach Aquarium, fun times :)

The person below me has swam next to a sea otter and quickly swam back to shore before they thought they would be eaten like I did lol.
False. We don't really get sea otters on the East Coast.

The person below me gets excited when they see mail in their mailbox.....especially slips that say they have a package waiting for them. =P
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