The person below me part two....

Depends. what day is it? :) I never know weekdays unless I go out of my way to look at a calender. I just know that I work every third day and that today I woke up in my own bed, so tomorrow I have to get up for work.

Speaking on which, the person below me was supposed to go to breakfast (or lunch) with a family member but forgot because they didn't know what day it was. :(
Haha false. My family members are at least 3 hours away from where I live.

The person below me is really full from lunch. =X
False, I just ate and I am still sort of hungry.

The person below me wonders when this thread will finally start to bork and force us to make a new one.
False. I know we're nowhere close to the 900-some needed posts to break it.

The person below me wants to know how you can tell if it's broken?
A very big TRUE! I would be thrilled to go to a more active server.

The person below me has an opinion on which server to transfer to and will share it.
False... I really just do whatever Randy and you tell me to right now, until I get the hang of things....

The person below me thinks that cucumber sandwhiches are yummy...
False. Once I log off, I don't usually log back on later especially on weekdays. I like getting to work early so I can leave early...although I'm moving my hours around so I can take tomorrow off and head up to State College, PA tonight. Darn 9 hour days in a short pay period. ~.~

The person below me has already checked and reservered their character's name on one or all three possible servers Redeemed will be transfering to. (Meli is taken on Ironfist but not on Iron Claw! =P)
True. I logged on yesterday at 6:15 PM my time and none of my Orvr power buddies were playing. But, my Redeemed Family was on vent so we had vent time together!

The person below me is making their son re-roll with us and the son is not so happy about playing the weak sauce Order.
False, I don't have a son.

The person below me is getting antsy to get out of work but still has about 3 hours left. >.<

You jerk! ~.~

False. I'm all for it if it will make scenarios pop more often since I don't ever seem to be in the game when all the action takes place. =\

The person below me could figure out which co-worker called an organization that called our help desk saying they were left a message that they could not understand based on the sole fact that the message was incomprehensible. >.<
False. I once again do not have a man-child. You're spending an awful lot of time with Austin. That's good! =D

The person below me is leaving work.....NOW! *runs out the door*
False, I have been at home all day pointing and laughing at certain peoples.

The person below me thinks Meli forgot the portion of the rules for this thread that state two separate people have to pose before you can post again.
False she has always ignored the rules. She is a RULE BREAKER!!!

The person below me giggled at the above sentence.
False. Too tired to laugh without a more extreme form of humor.

The person below me had a really good meeting today, just to be completely disappointed by the reaction by authority figures to that meeting.