The Off Topic Thread!

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we should do a PvP match were we are all transmorgrified into candy-corn men.

then line up in a triangle and record us doing MJ's Thriller dance.

anybody who says they don't like it is inferior and won't get a cut in the profits when we sell the video.
anybody who says they don't like it is inferior and won't get a cut in the profits when we sell the video.

Are you saying that candy corn people are of a superior race? Thats just not right. You candy corn supremest.

In other news. Barbecue Spare-ribs. Discuss.
we should do a PvP match were we are all transmorgrified into candy-corn men.

then line up in a triangle and record us doing MJ's Thriller dance.

anybody who says they don't like it is inferior and won't get a cut in the profits when we sell the video.

More like, anybody who says they don't like it is a moron. That sounds like an awesome idea
Don't even need to do a PvP match, tonics work in towns. So we can get as many people as we went, cram 'em all into the guild hall, and give em a potion.
yeah, I got like 5 on hand.
thought it'd be funny to fight as a candy corn task force.
on the strategic side, it'd be harder for the opponents to tell our classes.

but yeah... for the music video(which will be worth millions), the guild hall is best.
Maybe that's why the Japanese took pity on us and invented the motion-controlled Wiimote. (although, me here with *almost* 10% body fat, I think it's idiotic)
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