The Off Topic Thread!

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hey Pokemon actually got a little boy I work with talking....and he has a mild form of I felt like I had accomplished something great when he finally looked me in the eyes and talked to me about...Pokemon.

So now I might learn a little about pokemon so I can get him to talk some more!
I tellin ya Pokemon will saves lives. ok well maybe not save but they will make people happy from ages 4-whenever...
i used to have all the colectors card, i would spend hours sorting and trading with my friends... wow the time i wasted.. the MONEY I WASTED!! AHHHH.

I tellin ya Pokemon will saves lives. ok well maybe not save but they will make people happy from ages 4-whenever...
i used to have all the colectors card, i would spend hours sorting and trading with my friends... wow the time i wasted.. the MONEY I WASTED!! AHHHH.


Lol yeah... I still have my Ancient Mew card, and the Entei Card, and whatever came with the other movie

I really can't stand that game any more....
Oddly enough that exact exchange happened at the Rho/Kel Clan home just faster and with different actors.

Thread dying...


So I would just like to say that I'm feeling random and would like to tell you that:

I like swords. I also like shiny things. Swords are both swords and shiny things. However they are not so much shiny things as they are swords. But I still like them because they are swords.
-My best friend after he bought a Katana lol.
I completely agree, long sharp shiny pointy steel objects, old school. Swords, polearms, flails, axes, i love 'em all!
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