The Off Topic Thread!

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Well, we're practicing the Christmas music for choir. I've only used the music twice (three times?) since we started rehearsing...we've done the songs that many times. I wish we would do something NEW! Some of them we did for a CD recording project in 2004, the Christmas program in 2004, AND the Christmas program in 2005...and we're doing them again. :rolleyes:
correct me if im wrong, but it may be based on a cominc book, but im sure it was originally based of the greek stroy of the 300 who stood up to an army in some little pass (sorry dont remember much from myth class) but ya.
correct me if im wrong, but it may be based on a cominc book, but im sure it was originally based of the greek stroy of the 300 who stood up to an army in some little pass (sorry dont remember much from myth class) but ya.

The battle of Thermopylae
Also it was far from a little pass. 300 soldiers against the Persian Army, that is quite a stand.
to be accurate:

300 is based off of 300, the graphic novel by frank miller, who was inspired by 300 Spartans, the movie, which was based off the story of the Battle of Thermopylae, back around 480 b.c.
some estimations put the persian army over 2.5 million, other, just a couple thousand. either way, the spartans rocked.

this is probably the number 1 movie I'm looking forward to. I've watched the trailer so much.

(totally stokes me up for developing the Spartan class in Realms of Mythology game... ... you heard nothing.)

according to the producers, they will try to keep it to the graphic novel and not the actual battle as much (although they keep the flow intact). fine with me, tho, as long as they give me a great movie with lots of stylized violence and gore.
Ah Thermopylae, one of my favorite Greek battles. SPARTANS FTW!
btw: i saw the trailer today, looked outstanding, tho i did see some R material... so warining to those.
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