Since I don't believe in the existence of God or Satan, Satan has absolutely no power over me whatsoever.
Hmmm that statement you made above in this open christian RD forum looks pretty "active" to me.
Also in your original question to me you did not say the word "why" you said the word "what".
There is quite a differance between those two words and with what you are implying what you say you asked me.
As for your statement of having a lack of belief, it then would have been prudent for you to have said "Since I have a lack of belief in the existence of God and Satan, Satan has absolutely no power over me whatsoever.
However had you have said that sentence, "Since I have a lack of belief in the existence God and Satan, then the last part of it,"Satan has absolutely no power over me whatsoever" would have caused your atheistic view to come under serious question.
To say you have a "lack of belief" does not discount that Satan does not exist and that he can't have absolute power over you.
You say you don't believe in the existence of God or Satan and then now you say what you have is a lack of belief. Which is it?
Becareful now, but by all means lets hear your next rebutle.