The End Times

[b said:
Quote[/b] (Frag Boy! @ July 27 2004,5:43)]GUYS U BIG BUMZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GUYS U BIG BUMZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GUYS U BIG BUMZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GUYS U BIG BUMZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GUYS U BIG BUMZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GUYS U BIG BUMZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOONE IS SUPPOSED TO KNOW THE MOMENT OF THE RAPTURE. NOONE I REPEAT NO ONE. wat COULD HAPPEN according to the space nerds at nasa, the comets could either do

1. Go around the sun and come back like a million years from now.
2. or when they get slingshotted from the sun could smash the earth into a million pieces. (jk about teh last part)
3. God can mysteriously make them disappear until he wants them to appear in the perfect timing for the rapture  

  *MastaPlan and Miriax
at frag boy*
*u know wat i mean*
*smack SmAcK!*
  *oooo... yea i think i see wat u mean...*
  *i'm leavin...*
Dubya tee eff mate?

Seriously tho, don't talk like that man. Take your juvenile energies elsewhere.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]John Titor...DUDE. Wasn't he the time traveler guy? Wow, he had some killer interesting stuff...though I have to doubt his existence. I liked his schema for the time machine though. Might be interesting to see some heads get together and do it as a gag, since time traveling is staple where he comes from.
yeah I know its a gag, but very interesting. Thats really the first time I have ever really been interested in fictional literature. U and me should get together and think of our own gag.
 I think a lot can be said in nonsensical satire if you pose as seriouse.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]And oh well. The world ends when the world ends, be it fire or snow.
I vote snow, I just saved up and bought a snowboard last winter, and would prefer to die happy.
I want a snow board i believe the rapture will happen in the next century cause of europe is coming together and i do beleive the anti christ will come from europe
I thought the anti christ will come from america and we will call him bush. I think europe is cool, they make great chocolate and beer. And I love James bond movies. But for all u know it could be australia or it could be bill gates. I watched a show on the Bible code which I really don't believe in but we are supposed to have a nucular holicaust in the year 2000 2006. And all I saw in the year 2000 was a great firework show.
But really nostrabamus predicted the next anti christ to come from the middle east if I remember. But I read about it a while ago so don't quote me on it.
But personally I don't really believe in the end of times.
Its 2:27am and I can't get any sleep. Someone help me.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]  But for all u know it could be australia or it could be bill gates.
For all I know. I know alot more than you think i do or know i do.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ] I thought the anti christ will come from america and we will call him bush.
take your biased mind some where else.  
[b said:
Quote[/b] ] But really nostrabamus predicted the next anti christ to come from the middle east if I remember.
What does he know look at the words in revalation upside down or close his eyes and chose which words he wants to same with
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]  I watched a show on the Bible code
And what do you think will happen in the end we will just end up dieing and more people come be born and die just a life cycle time will end and where will you end up just where
I though I would end up 6ft under rotting. I guess it would be nice to think about how I'm going to go to heaven and live next door to Audry Heburn, and we have tea every evening. But really thats what dreams are for.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ] What does he know look at the words in revalation upside down or close his eyes and chose which words he wants to same with

I thought he turns the book sideways and winks 40 times.

For all I know. I know alot more than you think i do or know i do.
I think I know what u think u know because u know what I know u think when I know u know u think u know the knows.

But since your a soccer fan u're pretty cool. I'm a Arsenal and Portugal fan.
Heres a good question, how can we know for sure that the Lord has not already returned?
Perhaps he's returned incognito or has returned in a spiritual sense, rather than a material sense?
That concept is not Biblical thats why.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]"Then if anyone says to you, 'behold, here is the Christ,' or 'there He is,' do not believe him. For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect, I have told you in advance."

-Matthew 24:23-25

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]If therefore they say to you, 'Behold, He is in the wilderness,' do not go forth, or, 'Behold, He is in the inner rooms,' do not believe them. For just as the lightning comes from the east, and flashes even to the west, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be."

-Matthew 24:26-27

When he returns all will know it. All will see it. He won't hide Himself from the world.

That is the basic that is wrong with your arguement, not to mention that there are several unfullfilled prophecies that must occur before that happens.

It's not to say he won't show it, but however that the Lord establishes a chuch for which we are all part of and at the top of the hierarchy he reigns.

Also, Preterism which is biblical, states that the Lord has come around 70 AD.
Preterism is not Biblically accurate. When you have to twist scripture to meet your beliefs, it is very dubious.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Preterist and futurists do not agree on much when it comes to the Olivet Discourse. However, when it comes to the interpretation of Luke 21:20-24, we both agree that it is a literal prophecy of the a.d. 70 judgment. Preterist Dr. Kenneth Gentry says, "The context of Luke demands a literal Jerusalem (Luke 21:20) besieged by literal armies (Luke 21:20) in literal Judea (Luke 21:21)-which as a matter of indisputable historical record occurred in the events leading up to a.d. 70."[5] However, when expounding on Luke 21:25-28, preterists resort to massive doses of symbolic interpretation in their attempt to give these verses a first-century fulfillment. The futurist does not need to make such adjustments and continues a plain or literal reading of the text. I believe that Luke 21:25-28 is a brief prophecy that parallels Matthew 24 and Mark 13, as I will expound upon in the future.

Luke 21:20-24 demonstrates that preterists take prophecy literal when it is alleged to support their view, but if a passage would lead to a non-preterist view, if interpreted literally, they allegorize. On the other hand, futurists are able to take all parts of Christ's Olivet Discourse, and all prophecy literally.

It is clear that Luke 21:20-24 is spoke of the first-century Roman invasion of Jerusalem. Note that I have placed in italics the key phrases from Luke 21:20-24 above, that supports the a.d. 70 fulfillment. The entire passage speaks over and over again of judgment and wrath upon the Jewish people and their city, just as Christ prophesied in Matthew 24:2 and the other passages noted above. Yet, when one searches prophecies of Matthew 24 and Mark 13 this language is missing. Instead of "great distress upon the land, and wrath to this people," Matthew 24 speaks of rescuing the Jewish people who are under great distress (Matt. 24:29-31).

Contrasts Between a.d. 70 and a Future Temple

Preterists like to misuse Luke 21:20-24 and say that all of Matthew 24 was a prophecy of the Roman conquest in a.d. 70. Dr. Randall Price has noted six major differences between the a.d. 70 Temple and the Temple of the future tribulation period spoken of in Matthew 24.

During this time Jesus speaks of a signal event connected with the Temple-its desecration by an abomination which was prophesied by the Prophet Daniel (Matthew 24:15; Mark 13:14). What Temple is being spoken of here by Jesus? Was the Temple that was to be desecrated the same Temple as the one predicted to be destroyed? There are a number of contrasts within this text that indicate that Jesus was talking about two different Temples:

(1) The Temple described in Matthew 24:15 is not said to be destroyed, only desecrated (see Revelation 11:2). By contrast, the Temple in Jesus' day (or Matthew 24:2) was to be completely leveled: "not one stone would be left standing on another" (Matthew 24:2; Mark 13:2; Luke 19:44).

(2) The Temple's desecration would be a signal for Jews to escape destruction (Matthew 24:16-18), "be saved" (Matthew 24:22) and experience the promised "redemption" (Luke 21:28). By contrast the destruction of the Temple in Matthew 24:2 was a judgment "because you did not recognize the time of your visitation [Messiah's first advent]" (Luke 19:44b) and resulted in the Temple being level[ed] to the ground and your children [the Jews] within you" (Luke 19:44a).

(3) The generation of Jews that are alive at the time that the Temple is desecrated will expect Messiah's coming "immediately after" (Matthew 24:29), and are predicted to not pass away until they have experienced it (Matthew 24:34). By contrast, the generation of Jews who saw the Temple destroyed would pass away and 2,000 years (to date) would pass without redemption.

(4) The text Jesus cited concerning the Temple's desecration, Daniel 9:27, predicts that the one who desecrates this Temple will himself be destroyed. By contrast, those who destroyed the Temple in a.d. 70 (in fulfillment of Jesus' prediction)-the Roman emperor Vespasian and his son Titus-were not destroyed but returned to Rome in triumph carrying vessels from the destroyed Temple.

(5) The time "immediately after" (Matthew 24:29) the time of the Temple's desecration would see Israel's repentance (Matthew 24:30), followed by, as Matthew 23:29 implies, a restoration of the Temple. By contrast, the time following the destruction of the Temple only saw a "hardening" happen "to Israel," which is to last "until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in" (Romans 11:25)-still 2,000 years and counting.

(6) For the Temple that is desecrated, the scope is of a worldwide tribulation "coming upon the world" (Luke 21:26; compare Matthew 24:21-22; Mark 13:19-20), a global regathering of the Jewish people "from one end of the sky to the other" (Matthew 24:31; Mark 13:27), and a universal revelation of the Messiah at Israel's rescue (Matthew 24:30-31; Mark 13:26; Luke 21:26-27). This scope accords with the prophesied end-time battle for Jerusalem recorded in Zechariah 12-14, where "all nations of the earth will be gathered against it" (Zechariah 12:3). By contrast the a.d. 70 assault on Jerusalem predicted in Luke 21:20 is by the armies of one empire (Rome). Therefore, if there are two different attacks on Jerusalem, separated by more than 2,000 years, then two distinct Temples are considered in Matthew 24:1-2 and Matthew 24:15.[6]

The above points demonstrate preterist problems that have no resolution in their attempt to cram still future prophecy into a past mold. Details of Matthew 24 cannot be made to fit into a first century fulfillment.

I had a thought that Jesus had come again (and also had a thought that sin would be just as able to be performed in heaven to come as it was in the weirdness before).

Then I read that book thing, the Bible, and came across a passage called 2 Timothy 16-18, on just that exact thing, "But shun profane and idle babblings, for they will increase to more ungodliness. And their message will spread like cancer. Hymenaeus and Philetus are of this sort, who have strayed concerning the truth, saying that the resurrection is already past; and they overthrow the faith of some."

Chickabang, chickabounce.
Maybe we were not meant to explore it. It seems to me we have enough issues on this planet we need to fix before we go screwing up other ones.

Thaddius, how can a Christian who knows that sin will always be in the world, say that we should resolve earths problems before space exploration?
I guess you will just have to read between the lines.

My personal take:
I don't think that we were meant for space exploration to the point of colonizing other planets. The Bible clearly dictates that the final showdown will be with Israel vs the rest of the world. (or a very large part of it) When you bring other colonized planets into the picture, it throws in many variables that can corrupt the message of what the Bible states. I think it is a dream of man to try and bypass the need for a God by showing that with science, we do not need God.

I'm all for space exploration. I hope before die I make it into space atleast once.
I also love space ice cream.
end times used to be my pet love. I read heaps on it, Got time lines down new the order of events.

The fact of the matter is that Jesus is returning. (he hasn't yet secretly. It say in the word, like lightning in the east being visible in the west, so to will be the coming of the lord. Or something like that. Jw's try that secret return bizzo)

I think end times are great, but its not about knowledge, it's about ugency. If you get the revelation of what it's about, we need to be urgent. Not apathetic.

Paul talks somewhere about moving to maturity, and one of the topics that he lists as basic ones is end times... Its a great foundation for faith, but don't stay there. move on to being Jesus to the world, and not a paper christian arguing about things that are best understood in hindsight.

Im not paying out on anyone so please don't get offended. I believe we all need to grapple with end times. Fact. Jesus is returning. Christians will be raptured. Any nation with massive money's can build a temple in 3 years.

So don't get comfortable. there are more people alive on the planet now than have lived combined since adam. So now every generation is the same as 10,000 years. do you think that will make urgency real.


[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I think end times are great, but its not about knowledge, it's about ugency.

Amen to that. Its about immediacy and urgency. Jesus is returning and when we see the signs begin to appear, we are to look nie, for our redemption draws near.