Gods_Peon said:
I love accusations and finger pointing. See, when you point your finger, you generally curl three of your own fingers to point back at you. You are as guilty as those you accuse, maybe even more so because those who do the accusing are often trying to shift the focus off themselves by getting the accused to defend themselves.
How do I shift the focus.
Have I not, on several occasions, admitted that I am more than willing to believe in God if I receive proof of his existence? Let me rephrase that, so there is no misunderstanding. At this point in time, I have nothing to lead me to believe in the existence of God, just like I have nothing to lead me to believe in the nonexistence of God. I am open to either one of those possibilities, meaning, that upon further information, my current stance would be rendered moot. More to the point, it would be rendered inaccurate...wrong.
So please, tell me where you believe I am being hypocritical.
Now, back to my point. Christians believe it is their God given right, nay, their duty, to preach God's word, to convert the unbelievers. Correct? In doing so, you are asking others to question their beliefs and admit that they could be wrong. Correct? Up to this point, there's nothing wrong with this. However, if that unbeliever were to ask (as I have done when this situation arises) of the Christian believes THEIR outlook could be incorrect, that there could be an inkling, a remote possibility, that they could be wrong about their beliefs, the answer is almost always the same: not only are they unwilling to admit that they are wrong, they are unwilling to admit to even the merest possibility that they could be wrong.
Explain to me how that is fair. If the Christian isn't willing to admit they could be wrong, WHY do they expect other people to do the same?
Goose62 has satisfactorly address your question. Now the back to you, are you simply unwilling to accept it, or do you keep bringing up the same accusation just to be arguementative?
I already agreed with what Goose said, so I don't understand the problem.